University of Würzburg Chair of Corporate Finance Room 305c Sanderring 2 D - 97070 Würzburg. Students enrolled in the master’s program Mannheim Master in Management can design their studies individually and flexibly according to their ideas. Master; FAQ – Oft gestellte Fragen; Downloads; Kontakt. The Master’s programme is composed of five modules: Basic principles (18 ECTS points) Basic methods in business administration, managerial economics, and related areas. Teaching concept in the Master's study Business Administration . If you have problems to use the online course catalogue, please contact us via Facebook; Twitter; Youtube; Instagram; Contact details BWL: Finanzierung und Banken. For a first overview you may also refer to our factsheet (pdf, 224 kb). BWL Master ab SS 14 Uni Bamberg Master of Business Research Master of Science (M.Sc.) Master Due to the current corona crisis our offices are closed - please contact us per email! Please note: It is currently not possible to reply to Microsoft emails (@live, @hotmail, @outlook, etc). The 21-month programs include an internship as well as a semester abroad. With its high level of internationality, innovative concepts and a consequent practical orientation, the Mannheim Business School offers management education at the … Urs Fueglistaller new Vice-President at the HSG. – Media, Management and Digital Technologies (MMT) M.Sc. Anreise; Lage auf dem Campus; Home; Archiv; Newsletter. Bachelor; Master; FAQ – Oft gestellte Fragen; Downloads; Kontakt. BWL; Sitemap; Sprachumschaltung. Office hours: Mon and Wed 12.30 - 3.30 p.m. Tue and Thu 8.30 - 11.30 a.m. Course attendance is also allowed to fourth-year incoming bachelor students. Lehrbeauftragte; Wissenschaftliche Hilfskräfte; Ehemalige; Lehre. Studienkoordination Master BWL R. 301 A u. Phone: +49 931 31 80017 Fax: +49 931 31 82582. Bachelor; Master; Abschlussarbeiten. Please be aware that only Master students are allowed to follow Master courses! Startseite; Lehre; Lehrveranstaltungen Master; Convincing Stakeholders Hauptnavigation. Students will also learn how to participate in and contribute to the scientific community. A two-year course program – the Master of Business Research (MBR) - trains students in methods and topics essential to modern management research. Graduates of the programme can proceed to a An der Fakultät für Betriebswirtschaft/Lehrstuhl für Strategisches Management ist ab dem 15.02.2020 (oder nach Vereinbarung) eine Stelle als Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (M/W/D) zu besetzten. Below you will find a list of our lectures and seminars. Guidelines for Bachelor and Master Thesis; Job Offers, Internships and useful links; Contact; Home; News; Team. On 1 February 2021, Urs Fueglistaller will replace Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Monika Bütler as Vice-President for Institutes & Executive Education. Prof. Dr. Urs Fueglistaller has been appointed Vice-President of the University of St.Gallen. LMU Master in Business Administration. It leads to the degree of Master of Science and allows students to specialise in Accounting, Finance, Management, Marketing. The Master of Business Research (MBR) program offers a postgraduate degree for doctoral candidates at the Munich School of Management. Program at a Glance. The master's degree programme in gobal business is accredited by the Central Evaluation and Accreditation Agency (ZEvA Hannover). Newsletter abonnieren; Team. Master Betriebswirtschaftslehre PstO 2008". The program provides students with the tools necessary for excellent research. Dr. Jörg Korff; Lehrstuhlbüro; Pierre N. Huneke, M.Sc. Current information for Business courses held in english is to be found here (pdf,358 kb). English; Navigationspfad. Students can major in one of four subjects (accounting, finance, management or marketing). The master thesis is an examination paper that concludes the scientific education in every master degree course within the academic program. Modul ECTS Assessment* Language; Advanced Management Accounting I: Value-based Management: 6: Presentation (Referat) + Exam (120 min) … It is a four-semester program that aims to provide students with a methodological basis for conducting management research. Find out more about our Master Programs. It is divided into four semesters, within which 120 ECTS points have to be achieved. New master program specialization in "Business Analytics" to begin The new specialization in "Business Analytics" will start in Winter Semester 2020/21. We proudly present the following courses at Master level: Module Type ECTS Language; Asset Pricing Theory/Capital Market Theory ... BWL: Finanzierung und Banken Universitätsstraße 24 35037 Marburg +49 6421 28-23726 +49 6421 28-28947 social media contact information. Ils sont dispensés par des professeurs qui sont des spécialistes de différentes sous-disciplines du management, entre autres, la finance, le marketing, l'organisation, les ressources humaines et le management international. Regular duration: 4 semesters: Maximum duration: 8 semesters: Start: winter semester: Degree title: Master of Science (M.Sc.) The courses in finance and marketing are conducted entirely in English. The Master’s programme is a two-year, full-time programme with restricted admission. Anre Course Modul Short Description; Marketing-Forschung (Marketing Research) SBWL Marketing: First, this lectures introduces in the general basics of the quantitative market research (e. g. test theory). BWL Master Uni Bamberg has 1,832 members. Département des Sciences du Management. The following table provides an overview and description of the Master modules offered by the MARG. 302, Marketing Centrum Münster Am Stadtgraben 13-15 Tel: +49 (0)251 83-28677 This master's program truly deserves the title "International Management". in Management - European Triple Degree (ETD) Executive Master of Insurance Course Units «Expédition 2 degrés» remporte le Prix fédéral allemand Ecodesign. Le projet «Expédition 2 degrés» de l'Université de Fribourg et de la Haute école d'art de Zurich (ZHdK), remporte le prix fédéral Ecodesign de 2020, qui représente la plus haute distinction publique pour… Telefonische Sprechzeiten: Montag: 10.00 - 12.00 Uhr Mittwoch: 10.00 - 12.00 Uhr Le département des Sciences du Management offre divers programmes au niveau du Bachelor et du Master. Publications; Current Projects; Faculty Seminar; Brown Bag; Teaching. Please use a different email address. Furher information please find here. Our global top-ranked Master Programs (MSc) are designed to prepare you for a wide range of career options across multiple industries, by providing the skills and knowledge and by allowing you to tailor your curriculum to your interests and career goals. The standard period of study is four semesters. General Remarks The master’s programme in business administration is a follow-on to a bachelor’s degree course in economic science. The Master’s degree course in Business Administration is a follow-on to a Bachelor’s degree course. Prof. Dr. Andrej Gill; Angela Frerk (Secretary) Fabian Braun; Nina-Alessa Gruzdov; Research. MASTER IN MANAGEMENT Master of Science 15 @ CONTACT US Phone: +49 621181-1467 University of Mannheim Business School L 5, 5 68131 Mannheim Germany University of Mannheim, Business School - Fakultät BWL @bsuofmannheim THE MANNHEIM MASTER IN MANAGEMENT AT A GLANCE THE BUSINESS SCHOOL ACHIEVEMENTS … The world is changing very quickly – globalization, driven by rapid economic and technical developments and itself the driver of constant social and cultural evolution, requires us constantly to study and adapt ourselves to the changing environment. Master of Science in Industrial Engineering and Management (in german only) Master of Science in Information Systems (in german only) Master of Science Health Economics & Health Care Management Master of Science in Business Mathematics (in german only) Master of Science in Teacher Training in Vocational Education (in german only) Dear Master Students, Thank you for your interest. They can minor either in a subject related to their principal field of study or … It is used to show that a student is capable of processing a problem from the corresponding field of engineering sciences autonomously and with scientific methods and presenting it comprehensibly, within a given period. Jana Wilhelm, M.Sc. They can choose from a from a wide range of courses on offer in the following areas: Accounting and Taxation, Banking, Finance and Insurance, Information Systems, Management, Marketing and Sales as well as Operations Management. Overview of modules .