I have a Aten SN0116 Console Switch and use this technique quite often. 8.1) copy expanded dir “numpy” After that it starts hs_main – which is the homeserver binary. Bitte seid so nett und uploaded es auch bei einem Upload-hoster. 1) Via browser: http://ip-address/hslist -> I enter debug, admin, admin into the form fields. I have the hs4 software, but after unzipping the firmware.dat I don’t see the file hserver2.tgz. The name Gira Expert Software is not named at the website. search this forum for “eeprom.exe” which you need to change the mac adress to one which is working. hochziehe? umount: /fw: not mounted, i just dd’ed a working hs4 VM to 100gb 2,5 disk and installed it in a winterm 9450xe.. HS2 and HS3 projects should be compatible (in experte you can configure HS2/HS3 or HS4). I keep it there the same as in the HS config. TerraMaster F2-210 2-bay NAS Quad Core Raid Enclosure Media Server Personal Cloud Storage (Diskless) 4.0 out of 5 stars 780. Weis schon wer was man machen muss, um auf 4.1 Updaten zu können. +++++++++++++ UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 Wenn ich aber Deine Antwort so lese und Post 1605, dann basiert diese alle auf Virtualisierung (VM) oder? I do not encourage or support illegal things, this is just for educational purposes. @aris550: read this page – yes it is a lot – so did i and now i am helping others. This did the trick. hi, hat schonmal jemand versucht das wiregate gateway zu vietualisieren? However, loading this now unto the HS3 server requires that the firmware for Gira HS3 2.8 is upgraded to (I guess) 2.10. Release June 6, 2011. i tried to download the vmware image from post 1605 but on the page i get only the information, that the bandwidth is exceeded. New York, i ustawiamy partycje na dysku FlashIDE jak wyżej. Lediglich das update auf 4.1 hat per Lan nicht funktioniert. It is even easier if you simply use VMWare Player (Freeware). File “/hs/bin/hs_main.py”, line 1071, in ThreadFkt The HS got stuck in endless reboot. Ist eine spielerei, mußt 50h investieren hier zu lesen. Also wo kann der Fehler liegen? Start : 04.11.2013 21:42:08 DEsign + Refresh “leer”, Mehr kann man da nicht falschmachen oder? WARNING: Sourcefile /usr/src/linux- not exists, perhabs it is not complied as module!!!! Checked HS4 under project settings ? !!! Ohne Homeserver funktioniert alles einwandfrei und in der ETS sehe ich auch im Monitor, dass die Adressen funktionieren. Any suggestions? you don’t need to port the VMware Image to hardware. (That one is working nicely on my Hardware HS2 for connecting with ETS…) At moment here is no time and no need for experimenting with my homeserver. Ob die Berker USB Schnittstelle mit dem HomeServer funktioniert kann ich dir nicht sagen. Ebenso dient er für Support-Anfragen während Turnieren und zum einfachen schreiben mit der Community. The Debian binary/source packages used to create the installation ISO image can be found here. 2. ”. NET NET NET : 000ABXXXXXXXX Large projects will get many CRC errors and timeouts and finally the Expert software will tell you a weird error about ‘Project too Large’. Berker, Gira, ABB ? Hello guys, I am planning to buy HP gen8 microserver and build home NAS as follow: ESXI (on HP MICROSERVER GEN8, 16GB RAM, Intel xeon 1265L): VM 1: OMV with 4GB RAM. (as easy as it is with the HS3 solution). Sadly the Download from Post 1993 isn’t working anymore. oder ist der Überzogen bzw. ist mein Host :), Gira HS 4.2 VM Image would be realy nice! / 0 / 0 Overview; Reviews (1) Version History; Discussion; Tested Minecraft Versions: 1.8 [/SIZE][/B][/U] Spoiler: Rang System. Why does is starts (and ends) the hs_trans program ? For real Hardware the easiest way is using a VIA EPIA 6000 Mainboard (M, ML, etc.) 2 HS files EXPERTE 2.10 firmware dat (I dont find Hserver2.tgz) Gibts da auch ne Anleitung? You can then connect (hard-wire) your Windows PC to that same port on the Console switch. Handelt es sich dabei nicht um ein kosten- bzw. The only thing I can think of is the null-modem cable (I tried multiple cables). XenServer (options are limited) der Alix 1D sieht nicht schlecht aus. UPDATE: Photos are back online! Thanx for sharing the last steps which made it work. Rated 4.0 from 2 votes and 1 comment. @ALL who want HS5.0+ (which doesn’t even exist at this time). I have uploaded a new version of the Hyper-V VHD Image (4.1.1) yesterday. Join the other 152,532 FreeNAS Newsletter Subscribers and become a FreeNAS Pro. So yes,.. in theory it would be possible to build your own Homeserver when you buy an Via Epia board with onboard processor (see above), two flash modules (I suggest 2048MB) and at least 256MB RAM or even make a Virtual Machine (VM) in VMware or XenServer of it. Add and promote your Minecraft server on the best top list for more players. modified dmidecode, change with hex-editor all /hdc to /sda as I have an usb stick with the 4 partiones and org SW under sda, mounted under/media/sda 1..4, the when I start /hs/hs_main (direct or with the startsrcit out of /scripts..) I always get following error msg: :15: DeprecationWarning: the md5 module is deprecated; use hashlib instead The best is if you go to HomeserverIP/hslist und type there debug as list and take a look at EIB. Der kommt dann in den bootloop rein. I have configured serial connection in orded to transfer project with new IP configuration, but it doesn’t work – transfer is not starting at vm reboot, and there is no hs_trans like it was in HS3. http://ge.tt/4CrgNUE1?c, @rabbit: you are welcome to upload that to any new hoster :-). IP:Port : :80 http://www.roelbroersma.nl/index.php/forums/topic/vm-downloads-xenserver-virtualbox-vmware, Experten 4.1.1: Für Eval siehe Hersteller. :38: DeprecationWarning: the whrandom module is deprecated; please use the random module. I got the VMware file working under VMWare player. The motherboard lives pre-installed on a removable tray at the base; unscrew two bolts and the tray glides out, providing access to the memory and connectors. kann jemand seine vm hochladen? Connection Closed Du kannst dir vielleicht überlegen den Arbeitsspeicher zu verdoppeln (wenn du sehr große Projekte hast). I cannot find that file on the server to change something manual or so. Zu 1844, bei mir läuft der QC auf dem Host (Win7 32Bit) und mit VMplayer der HS4 den ich auch auf 4.1 upgedatet habe. “post 1605 (and changed the IP address). THe issue is now, that changing the /usr/sbin/dimicode does lead in reboots. use this: Saved from tombuildsstuff.blogspot.com. zaś partycja 1 jako dysk d:\ itd…, 3) Uruchamiamy program Fdisk.com @aris550: those old via mainboards are no longer produced. Home. @mike aus 1656: c:\Program Files (x86)\Gira\HS+FS\exp410\firmware\hs4\ all is up an running. Look #1545 and check partitions…, Update: Du musst du MAC nur einmal verändern, nicht jedes mal nach dem Update! Update 14-november-2009:In the ‘old’ 10 steps, I suggested to install Linux on the /dev/hdc drive. Mit Hilfe von eeprom wird die MAC des Geräts einmalig überschrieben. Can someone tell me how i can copy the Image to a 4gb CF or i have to buy a larger one ? yum install make.i386 gcc gcc-c++ kernel-xen-devel.i686 perl. I’m trying to set up hs4 on an alix1.d board with voyage-linux09 (kenrel3.8.11) on which I have eibd and misterhouse running since few years. danke. Habe bei Ebay 1x USB Schnittstelle Berker + 1x IP Schnittstelle Siemens erworben. Da es schon eine Weile her ist habe ich mich an die Anleitung aus dem Forum “HS3 Tutorial – German” gehalten. A server can also be upgraded, and offers full remote access both in terms of streaming services and a remote desktop. after the boot it should receive data. TypeError: getsockaddrarg: AF_INET address must be tuple, not NoeType”. 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Ich mache die Updates immer so, dass ich den USB-Stick (auf diesem liegt die Firmware) ziehe und dort die Dateien austausche. I think the problem can not be hard .. but hard to find. Size Prozessor: ca… under firmware you’ll find a HS2_hs3 and a HS4 directory where the firmware is located. The system will try finding the closest available servers for you. Do not worry as this is normal; the server is generating files and folder… It's these last two items that really swing it for us. Download Now 50.9 KB .jar; Bau Server Plugin 1.0 BETA. Open Connection Das würde mich auch interessieren. http://www.gira.de/service/download/index.html?id=1815 I would really like a full guide because I have very little knowledge about server stuff (the most I was able to do was set up a domain and connect some PCs when my friend was here to help me). Prerequisites¶. unfortunately does not work. QBittorrent. XigmaNAS-Beta: 2019-06-17: 0. just empty with 1 admin user and IP-Adress configured. the Hserver2.tgz is in the firmware.dat ? WhatsApp [section label=”Introduction”] Introduction. TypeError: __init__() takes exactly 4 arguments (3 given). this is the same mainboard like the HS3.0 read the boot messages “net net net” and a MAC address is good, “Nicht Berechtigt” is bad (means not a valid MAC adress). 1 1/2 Jahren den HS3 auf nem ML600EAG bei mir zu Hause am werkeln. No ‘:’ in the uri (not url but uri). Kann der Igel IGEL LX3210 auch mit einem CF-Adpater auf SD-Card betrieben werden (2GB SD-Card – wäre mir am liebsten)? With the Second question I can’t help you too, Sry. Is any additional usb configuration required? http://ge.tt/4lPFWUE1?c, both versions: HS4.0 on debian linux Alles klar? You can change the IP via Experte Software. Find the best mc servers Build on our topsite and play for free. Home; Learn; LoRaWAN; Devices; Gateways; Network; Applications; Edit build.md. musst ihr bei einigen Serverfehlermeldungen unter /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist oder so einige Sachen blacklisten, Viel Spass mit hs4, experten 4.1.1 und android. Projects are configured (made) and loaded via the “Gira Expert” software. you will find a german and a english tutorial for the HS3.0 solution here in the forums. Selena Server . Bezeichnung habe ich auch TEST Username: admin Seems some fields need adapting. Is this device made of gold ? Reading the forum, that would not work easily on the HS3 server. TTYS00 is IRQ4/3F8 and TTYS01 is IRQ3/2F8, but I’ve tried the reverse settings too. sh: isdnctrl: not found bekomme beim hs4 von post 1811 einfach keine serielle Verbindung in der vm. Anybody managed to run HS in a guest VM and the QuadClient on the XP host system? Back up and share movies and photos with your family and friends—no storage limits and it’s completely free. Of course, you can always build your own, and there's no reason not to. Therefore we'll balance low power consumption with a beefy CPU. Was kann ich da falsch machen? 1. Note: Create a new -empty- project in the Gira Expert software and only configure the following settings: IP information, admin password and EIB&iETS (ip) settings. I got some problem with updating the HS from 4.1 to 4.2. ISDN (Stat/Ok/Err) : OFFLINE / 0 / 0 there are a few missmatches in my posted code. Bekomme ich den HS3 oder 4 ist mir Woscht :-) auch auf dem board zum laufen? @rickcn Hast du ein Image mit dem hs4 und dem experten 4.1.1? Virtual machine of #1605 works great under VMwareFusion 6.0.2 on a early 2009 Macmini with OSX10.9.1 and even under ESXi 5.5. Welche USB Schnittstelle hast du verwendet ? Details & download » Light House. USERS: HomeUser. System Drive: min. unzip it. Hallo View all accessories . Hallo. Können Sie mir sagen, wie Sie die MAC-Adresse geändert hat, weil ich es zu nutzen. Of course, when starting the server it did not work as it complained a lot about wrong and missing python files. Wenn man etwas fit in Sachen Technik ist und es mit Hilfe der Anleitung von Heini im Forum macht, ist es eine Sache von 30-60min…. HS4 should work on an 50h lesen? Entweder im Forum schauen, dort gibt es eine Anleitung (deutsch) für ein IGEL LX 3210 oder eben das Alix 1D mit Hilfe des Images aus Post 1605. I think that is the IP that one sees when booting the system and looking at the screen. bau.services (hosted on metanet.ch) details, including IP, backlinks, redirect information, and reverse IP shared hosting data Wenn sie programmiert ist einfach ganz normal per USB den HomeServer dran hängen. Even if the project is almost empty this happens…. Everything seems to be normal. : unzip hs-image.zip RX bytes:0 (0.0 b) TX bytes:0 (0.0 b), loLink encap:Local Loopback Social Links Join our Discord Twitter Facebook Komisch, es funktioniert fast alles, nur erkennt der Server/Virtual Maschine das USB Interface nicht. did you mean uploaded.net? Now you have a very small ‘initial’ project to load over the unstable Serial interface. Create Account. =). virtualbox only supports virtio, pc-netII/III (aka ne2k-pci) and some intel desktop and server cards. Registered number 04171412. After entering the ip address of the IP interface, the HS4 comes back after reboot with the following msg when i want to send some telegram via the web interface; +++++++++++++ @Ich: The same file worked on the HS3 server, but this one and an empty file do not get accepted (yet) by the upgraded server with HS4 V 4.0.130325.