Bachelorstudium „Soziale Arbeit“ ODER Sozialakademie ODER Bachelor-/Diplomstudium aus Bildungs- und Sozialwissenschaften bzw. Soziale Arbeit - Master of Business Administration - Sozialwesen - Fachhochschule Kufstein 1-week study trip with subsequent supervision (SE). Your degree will qualify you to enter the higher intermediate civil service and to pursue a postgraduate Master’s programme. Psychopathology and social psychiatry of aging; empowerment, total institutions, neglect - hospitalisation; problem and resource oriented diagnosis; gender, intersectionality; specific methods of social work with mentally ill people; Biographical and sociological reflection of aging; empowerment, total institutions, neglect - hospitalisation; gender, intersectionality; specific methods of social work with older people. Nutzen Sie ab 13 Uhr Ihre Chance und sprechen Sie vor Ort informell mit Studierenden und Lehrenden über das Masterstudium Soziale Arbeit, sehen Sie sich die Masterprojekte der StudentInnen an und informieren Sie sich über das vielfältige Berufsfeld. And autumn means the start of studying! Neuer akademischer Lehrgang für Jugend- und... Ab November 2019 werden am Institut Soziale Arbeit der FH JOANNEUM Jugendarbeiterinnen und Jugendarbeiter ausgebildet. 20 pages); guidelines for master’s theses; process and requirements for master’s theses; selection of research topic and defining a research question; literature and data research; planning the research process; drawing up a bibliography; developing a theoretical position on the master’s thesis topic; developing a concept for the study design and the survey and analysis methods; carrying out exemplary surveys, data analysis and reflection; work schedule for the master’s thesis; discussion of synopsis with thesis supervisor and presentation. Development of a detailed synopsis for the master thesis (approx. Exemplary research process; practical application and reflection of social work research in small groups; exploration of a research topic of the degree programme; consistent application of survey and analysis methods; analysis in the context of scientific criticism; working with secondary and infrastructure data; working in research teams; data interpretation and presentation; writing reviews; preparing a workshop report; presenting research results, Conducting (biographical) interviews; reading seminar and methodology; also serves as preparation for the master’s thesis or as support of study/field trips. In online seminars (approximately 75% of the programme), you will … Die „Fortbildungsreihe Gesundheit und Soziales an der FH Kärnten“ wurde in Kooperation des Studienbereichs Gesundheit und Soziales mit dem WBZ – Weiterbildungszentrum der FH … This page provides you with tips and tricks for preparing for the interview. … that our graduates are in great demand? Projects 1. Die zentralen Inhalte des Moduls sind jeweils … AbsolventInnen des Lehrgangs „Akademische/r sozialpädagogische/r FachbetreuerIn“ der Akademie für Weiterbildung der FH OÖ (165 ECTS) mit Matura/Studienberechtigungsprüfung. Full-time, Alle UNI/FH Studien in Österreich: Info's und Job-Chancen zu Studium Social Work, FH JOANNEUM GmbH - University of Applied Sciences : Studieninhalt, Qualifikationsprofil, Zulassungsvoraussetzungen, Berufsaussichten, Job-Chancen, Kontaktdaten, Weiterführende Links - … FH JOANNEUM offers a wide range of Master’s degree programmes, which are organised on a full-time, part-time or work-friendly basis. 1. After fabrication, samples of the testchip will be evaluated in the lab using state of the art test equipment. If you have any questions please send an email to in Information Engineering is a 120 credit point course (ECTS - European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) that can be completed in four semesters (or part-time equivalent). Soziale Arbeit - Master of Business Administration Soziale Arbeit - Master of Business Administration. Supervision and practical instruction during the internship or career entry phase; understanding one’s future professional role, finding personal learning objectives and reflection of personal learning experiences; insights into the framework of social work, legislation, organisation, clients and work methods; reflection of one’s own and others’ actions, scientific basis of practical processes; training of action competence; exchange and experience and in-depth information about placement positions and relevant resources, opportunities, offers and services for the target groups of social work. General . Publications 1. Trauma theory, therapy options, psychology of perpetrators, Lecture series with experts from organisations like Doctors without Borders (MSF), amnesty international, medico international; significance for social work. begleitet diese und nimmt an internationalen (Forschungs-)Projekten teil. This service for potential applicants is... 25.09.2020. Students acquire terminology and explore international social work through webquests and critical use of the Internet as a source of information. Study Bachelor Master Post Graduate International Study Infos Services Bachelor. mit Studiengangsleiter Christoph Redelsteiner Wann: 15.01.2018 von 18:00 bis 19:30 Wo: FH St. Pölten Tip: If you do not yet have your Austrian documents (Bachelor or Diploma certificate) at the time of submitting your application, you can submit them by the start of your course. This evidence is not required for FH JOANNEUM graduates. Bachelor's Programme, … that the course combines theory and practice? 13 ETCS) on other degree programmes of FH JOANNEUM or other universities in Austria and abroad after consultation with the head of degree programme. Soziale Arbeit als Profession zu verstehen, die soziale Problem- und Notlagen theoretisch fundiert bearbeitet Der Bachelorstudiengang Soziale Arbeit an der FH Kärnten kann grundsätzlich ohne facheinschlägige Vorbildung bei entsprechendem Interesse und gegebener Leistungsbereitschaft von jeder Schulbildung mit allgemeiner Universitätsreife aus angestrebt werden. Language . Hemayat, ZEBRA, Aspis). You can expand and deepen the knowledge and skills learnt on your bachelor programme by studying part-time for a master’s degree. Curriculum Zielgruppen & Zugangsvoraussetzungen Termine Curriculum. The aim is to obtain an overview of current concepts and theories about knowledge, attitudinal, action and/or reflective competence. They are trained to develop problem solutions for a range of applications in the areas of care for children/young adults and families, in the field of migration and asylum, in the provision of subsistence needs and custodianship, supporting elderly or sick people, advice for relatives and for problems with criminality, violence or debt. The part-time Master’s course will also enable you to evaluate this process on a scientific basis. … that our students present their projects? Toggle navigation. FH JOANNEUM Bachelor's and Master's degree programme experts are now at your service to provide guidance by phone. Thanks to their solid and comprehensive training, graduates of our bachelor degree programme are highly sought after in the profession. Questions on the degree programme. Ability to act ethically as a key quality aspect of the service provided to the client. About. The Styrian government is the majority shareholder of FH JOANNEUM. Master Studiengang Soziale Arbeit. The total number of credit hours is 120 ECTS. And autumn means the start of studying! Die FH Campus Wien bietet im Department Soziales neben der generalistischen Ausbildung zur SozialarbeiterIn und SozialpädagogIn ein Bachelorstudium für ausgebildete KindergartenpädagogInnen an. Continuing education in university didactics, Qualification course for university entrance, Josef Ressel Centre for Thin Glass Technology, Josef Ressel Centre for early childhood obesity, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence Research Centre. International cooking course with and for migrants; the foreign in the arts; music, performing arts, poetry; psychological context of headscarves; customs, habits and traditions. Termine - Soziale Arbeit - Master of Business Administration - Fachhochschule Kufstein Many different occupational fields and career opportunities are open to you as a graduate of our degree programme. The program’s areas of expertise include Storage Units – „Battery“ Technology as well as Monitoring and Mobility Logistics. Here you can read up on this and find the most important dates and deadlines. 13 ETCS) on other degree programmes of FH JOANNEUM or other universities in Austria and abroad after consultation with the head of degree programme. Case management, family work, group work, client work and organisation; crisis intervention: definition of ‘crisis’, diagnosis; techniques of crisis intervention; interviews in crisis situations; "Rhetorics in crisis situations". Research process and study design; specific aspects of research in social work; research designs and research methods; qualitative and quantitative survey methods; qualitative and quantitative analysis methods; working with secondary data; research funding and grants; science and research ethics, Positions and history of social work research, philosophy of science and methodology; tasks, roles and functions of science and empirical research in society; socio-critical research disciplines; scope of empirical knowledge; relationship between theory and practice in social work, Case management: introduction to methods of social work; case management; theories-in-use (learning theory, field theory, systemic theory, symbolic interactionism, psychoanalysis), case work, relationship orientation, life world orientation, goal orientation, communication, interviewing, documentation, self-evaluation. Organisation of a research day with the aim to discuss different research approaches and provide an overview of the research portfolio of the degree programme. Am 09.03.2018 findet am FH Campus Feldkirchen die Master Lounge Soziale Arbeit statt. We prepare our students to provide professional support for people in critical life situations. International projects and field reports; discourse on the relationships between globality, globalisation and social work; methods from around the world. Training and consolidation of language skills. Contact. Der konsekutive Masterstudiengang Soziale Arbeit an der Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften Fachhochschule Würzburg-Schweinfurt ist ein breit angelegtes Vollzeitstudium, das auf dem Bachelorstudiengang Soziale Arbeit der Fakultät Angewandte Sozialwissenschaften aufbaut.Es wird außerdem die Möglichkeit zur Ausbildung zum Kinder- und … Im Rahmen der Masterstudiengänge greift die FH mit Klinischer Sozialer Arbeit und Sozialraumorientierung innovative Entwicklungen auf. Termine - Soziale Arbeit - Master of Business Administration - Fachhochschule Kufstein. The beginning of... All admissions interviews are conducted online. Important information for applicants and prospective students: FH JOANNEUM is not currently conducting face-to-face course guidance interviews, but offers... 05.07.2018. Soziale Arbeit - Master of Business Administration. The acceptance and migration project researches stereotypical patterns of thought and action which impact people with a migrant background. Die Fakultät für Soziale Arbeit ist international mit zahlreichen Partnerhochschulen, Organisationen und Institutionen vernetzt, richtet internationale Tagungen aus bzw. Master of Arts in Social Sciences (MA) ... November 2019, sprachen Bundespräsident a. D. Heinz Fischer und Nina Horaczek an der FH JOANNEUM Graz über Nationalsozialismus und... 12.09.2019. Students familiarise themselves with their future professional role under continuous supervision or relevant professional practice in the career entry phase.