Since then, the programme has been restructured several times. Business Administration  /. Beachten Sie die dortigen Datenschutzbestimmungen sowie die … Construction differs from manufacturing in that manufacturing typically involves mass production of similar items without a designated purchaser, while construction typically takes place on location for a known client. The programme provides students with a comprehensive understanding of the complexity of international business. Welcher Studiengang passt zu mir? Beachten Sie die dortigen Datenschutzbestimmungen sowie die Einstellungen zur Privatsphäre. Mehr Infos > Technisches Gesundheitswesen. M.A. Some of our Master’s degree programmes are also available in English. Description/content Our ASIIN-accredited Master's programmes are tailored for graduates wishing to obtain a strong specialisation in International Marketing. Master of Engineering. Der berufsbegleitende Studiengang Master of Business Administration - General Management baut auf den Erkenntnissen eines abgeschlossenen Erststudiums auf, das nicht notwendigerweise ein Wirtschaftsstudium zu sein braucht. 3 likes. Since 2005 the General Management MBA has been ACQUIN accredited. Auch interessant. International Master of „Physical Activity and Health“ The International Master of „Physical Activity and Health“ will provide graduate students with insight, knowledge, and experience in ways of promoting health through physical activity and exercise for the prevention and rehabilitation of diseases. Most master's degree programmes may begin in either the [...] project papers. Sollte sich etwas an den Rahmenbedingungen der Veranstaltung verändern, informieren wir Sie rechtzeitig. Construction is the process of constructing a building or infrastructure. Master in International Marketing (in [...] ... Engineering” ◾Required course for master’s degree in “Energy and Environment” Georisks ◾Required course for master’s degree Geodata analysis ◾Required course for master’s degree in “Energy and Environment” [...] course for master’s degree in “Energy and Environment” Navigable waterway engineering ◾Required elective for bachelor’s degree Waterway construction ◾Required elective as part of the master’s in “. Internationality is of great importance at Nuremberg Institute of Technology. Von der Einschreibung bis zum Abschluss begleitet die TH Nürnberg ihre Studierenden durch das Studium. Was ist, wenn ich mein Studium doch nicht zu Ende bringen möchte, … We are committed to an academic, yet practice-oriented approach. The particular feature of the business programmes lies in their international and interdisciplinary focus, which is evident in the purely English-language degree programmes, the national diversity of the students, and the integration of science and engineering content into our currriculum. The bachelor’s and master’s degree programmes offered by the Faculty of Civil Engineering involve both obligatory lab practicals [...] contracts for the building materials industry. Mobile. 11.12.2020 - The language of instruction is English. Mit einem Klick auf den unten stehenden Button gelangen Sie zu . Wintersemester. Master of Science Weiterbildung Die Technische Universität Darmstadt bietet Master-Studiengänge zur wissenschaftlichen Weiterbildung an. University website: More than 3000 students are currently enrolled in our German- and English-language bachelor’s and master's programmes, benefiting from the exciting impetus created by an international study environment. ), Bachelor in International Business and Technology (in English) (B.Eng. E-counseling (online counseling) ... More than 3000 students are currently enrolled in our German- and English-language bachelor's and master's programmes, benefiting from the exciting impetus created by an international study environment. Ein berufsbegleitender Master ist in Nürnberg keineswegs Utopie, sondern durchaus im Rahmen des Möglichen. Anne Freihammer. Bitte achten Sie darauf, dass Ihre dort persönlichen Daten gut geschützt sind. Es basiert auf den Stärken der traditionellen Betriebswirtschaftslehre.Das Weiterbildungsstudium ist sowohl akademisch angesehen als auch international ausgerichtet. Technische Hochschule Nürnberg Georg Simon Ohm. master, das auf lat. 16.12.2020 - Architecture is both the process and the product of planning, designing, and constructing buildings or any other structures. Welcher Studiengang passt zu mir? Technische Hochschule Nürnberg Georg Simon Ohm / TH Nürnberg. We offer 5 full-time master’s programmes: Business Administration and Law International Management (English-taught Master) International Real Estate Electrical Engineering and Information Technology Industrial Engineering. At Nuremberg Tech you can enroll in business studies on the Bachelor´s and Master´s level which are international in focus. Get MATLAB and Simulink . Alanus Hochschule für Kunst und Gesellschaft. Bachelor’s degree programme in Civil Engineering | Master’s degree programme in Urban Mobility | Master’s degree programme in International Civil Engineering | Dual study option | [...] programme in engineering that leads to the degree of Master of Engineering/M.Eng. Bachelor of Arts. Eng.). Vereinsbank, Tengelmann, adidas AG, Quelle/Neckermann) Professor Dr. Werner Fees. Von der Einschreibung bis zum Abschluss begleitet die TH Nürnberg ihre Studierenden durch das Studium. Founded in 1823 under the leadership of the eminent physicist Georg Simon Ohm, our university grew to become one of the largest technical universities in Germany, maintaining academic partnerships with more than 140 universities and institutions of higher education around the globe. Dafür sorgen die verschiedenen Formen des berufsbegleitenden Studiums, die auch Menschen aus Nürnberg und Umgebung die Chance geben, berufsbegleitend zu studieren und im Zuge dessen mit dem Master einen postgradualen und international anerkannten akademischen Grad zu erlangen. Zum Master-Studium werden unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen auch Absolventinnen und Absolventen von Fachhochschulen mit Auflagen zugelassen. From the 2nd semester of the bachelor’s degree to the 10th semester at the end of a master’s programme, Nuremberg Tech offers a plethora of cross-faculty modules on the subject of water and [...] degree programme ... Bachelor’s degree programme I Bachelor’s degree I Master’s degree programme I Master’s degree [...] 1803. Sign in to get started. Bitte achten Sie darauf, dass Ihre dort persönlichen Daten gut geschützt sind. Advanced Optical Technologies M.Sc.1 Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU): Advanced Signal Processing and Communications Engineering (ASC) M.Sc.1 Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU): Aerospace Engineering (TUM Asia) M.Sc. Abschluss. Sie verlassen nun die Website der Technischen Hochschule Nürnberg. The Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft (Association for the Promotion of Science and Humanities in Germany) in 2004 distinguished the Georg-Simon-Ohm Hochschule (Technische Hochschule Nürnberg since 2013) as the third-best university in the area of further education. Technische Hochschule Nürnberg Georg Simon Ohm . Gerade die Vielfalt der von den Teilnehmern mitgebrachten Abschlüsse garantiert, dass nicht nur nationale, sondern auch fachliche Grenzen in der Diskussion … ). International degree programmes open up doors around the world! Degree. You may spend a semester at one of our over 70 partner universities around the globe and also venture an internship outside of Germany. Dear visitor, TH Nürnberg — Georg Simon Ohm. The mas... International Business, Bachelor in International Business and Technology, Master in International Finance and Economics, Master in International Marketing. English only . Winter semester: 15 Jun . The four-semester Master's program in International Business (Master of Arts) aims at educating young business professionals who meet current employer demands. The English-based courses in both programs … TH Nürnberg. There are currently [...] approximately 400 students... ftware development: technical supervision of bachelor’s, master’s, and project papers, conducting technical practicals for automotive master’s courses in the Faculty of Computer Science Up to the end [...] Doctoral candidates Master of Applied Research [...] ... Technology master's degree programme with graduates being awarded the degree “Master of Engineering” (M. Bachelor of Engineering. Der Master ([ˈmaːstɐ] oder [ˈmaːstə], aus engl. 15.12.2020 - ), Bachelor in International Business (in English) (B.A. Institutes . Hochschule … LEONARDO - Center for Creativity and Innovation, Particle technology and Raw materials innovation research group, Corporate Development, Management Accounting & Financial Control, Competence Center for Social Innovations, Methods and Analyses (KoSIMA), Applied Mathematics, Physics and Humanities, Electrical Engineering, Precision Engineering, Information Technology, Mechanical Engineering and Building Services Engineering, Secretary's Office Business Administration, Course catalogue for the master’s degree programme in Taxation, Module handbook for the master’s degree programme in Taxation, International Business Bachelor's and Master's Degree Programs, International Business and Technology (B.Eng. Office Management, Tutor Assistance on parental … Hochschule Ansbach (University of Applied Sciences) Medizintechnik. ), Master in International Finance and Economics (in English) (M.Sc. November 2020 veranstalten wir von ca. civil engineering, 98% - 01.12.2020 - 18:00–19:00 Uhr eine Informationsveranstaltung zu unserem berufsbegleitenden Master Beratung & Coaching! TH Nürnberg. Mehr Infos > Architektur. Research. ), International Finance and Economics (M.Sc. The energy and environment specialization in the master’s degree programme International Civil Engineering granting the degree: Master of Engineering M.Eng.