// Thermal Spa Blanket
"wasprice20461": "52.99",
"price8098": "399.00",
// Hayward IG Pro Series Sand Filters
Datenbanken. Im Online-Katalog der Hochschulbibliothek finden Sie fast unseren ganzen Bestand:. content: "Due to the COVID-19 pandemic we are experiencing a high volume of orders while working with a limited staff, so there may be slightly longer delivery times than normal. "alarmstimersSavings": "16%", // ALARMS + TIMERS
"price200300": "129.99",
// Yellow Ball version
The ideal pH range is 7.2-7.6. "price1399": "699.00",
// -------------------------------------------------------------- DISCOUNTED RETURNS
// Radiant Floating Spa Cover
"price2989": "4.49",
// Deluxe In-Pool Ladder
Beispiel: Durch die Eingabe von "elektrotech* meister" finden Sie Bücher von dem Autor "Heinz Meister" mit dem Titel "Elektrotechnische Grundlagen" aber auch den Titel "Elektrotechnik für fachfremde Meister und Monteure". "price62600": "1,649.99",
Inventory is sold and received continuously throughout the day; therefore, the quantity shown may not be … // AG Mesh Winter Covers
Bücher, Zeitschriften, Hochschulschriften, Aufsätze (oder Beiträge), E-Books, E-Journals und sonstige digitale Ressourcen, wie z.B. // Coral Seas Yellow Out
// IG Leaf Net Covers
// Hayward SwimPure
"spaStepsSavings": "10%", // SPA STEPS
Your package will ship via FedEx Ground service and ships same day or within 24 hours.
"price7833": "279.99",
// Pentair Light Ring
"clearCleaners": "25%",
"price3543": "110.19",
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existieren im OPAC der Hochschulbibliothek Weingarten: die freie oder einfache Suche ist dann geeignet, wenn Sie sich einen schnellen Überblick zu Ihrem Thema verschaffen wollen - "quick and dirty".Je thematisch präziser und eingegrenzter Sie Ihre Suchergebnisse benötigen, desto eher werden Sie über die erweiterte Suche fündig. This pH+ Increaser will raise the pH level of swimming pool water.
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// Table Top Soccer Table
"price1402": "299.00",
// Aladdin G-96 Light Gasket
"wasprice8050": "",
... Clorox Pool&Spa Shock Plus 6x1 lb. // Hayward Chlorinator/Brominator
"wasprice15800": "",
// Solar Ball
"wasprice8834": "999.99",
"blocksSavings": "21%", // IG WATER BLOCKS
pH MinusLowers pH levels to prevent scaling and cloudy water - Ideal range 7.2 to 7.8.
"price4583": "7.49",
This item will arrive on the next business day for orders placed by, Your item will be shipped Fedex Ground from the warehouse closest to you resulting in delivery on the next business day. "price7486001": "89.95",
"price152601U1": "89.99",
"agjhookSavings": "10%", // AG J-HOOK LINERS
"agmeshwintcovSavings": "10%", // AG MESH WINTER COVERS
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// Hayward AquaRay
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A: Your pH level should be between 7.2-7.6, with an ideal of 7.4. "priceAGSOLAR": "24.29",
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"wasprice13152": "1499.99",
"price3425": "199.99",
Protects expensive equipment. "handheldSavings": "16%", // SUCTION CLEANERS
// Hayward Star-Clear Cartridge Filter 8040
Pool water pH is one of the best measures of balanced pool water. "agleafnetsSavings": "10%", // AG LEAF NETS
Dosage: 1 lb per 10,000 gallons water if only below 6.6. "agunibeadSavings": "", // AG UNI-BEAD LINERS
Protects against etching of surfaces and eye irritation. "price4049": "129.00",
"wasprice3773": "28.99",
Add to Favorites Compare.
// Removable Fence
"price152716": "214.99",
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Our pool pH increaser comes in granular form so it's very easy to use. Fon: 07141 / 140-665 ausleihe(at)ph-ludwigsburg.de. "price57591": "2,999.00",
Made in the USA! // ------------------------------------------------------------------ SPAS
"suctionSavings": "33%", // SUCTION CLEANERS
freie Suche bietet in einem einzigen Suchfeld eine gemeinsame Abfragemöglichkeit der Felder Titel, Autor (Person), Schlagwort und Verlag. Q: What is the chemical name for pH increaser?
"price7674": "382.99",
"price2431": "649.00",
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"price152716U1": "149.99",
Dosage 1 lb./10,000 gal. "wasprice7674": "",
Free Shipping on orders $50 or more
// AG Solid Winter Covers New Value Line NLA
Protects expensive equipment.
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The online catalogue (OPAC) can be used to search the holdings of the library and to request or reserve books. // Cover Clips
Ebenso Texte aus dem E-Repository der Hochschule und aus den Nationallizenzen.
"price4662RIGHGRAY": "979.99",
// Heavy Duty Air Pillow
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Nach erfolgreichem Login gehen Sie zur Homepage der Bibliothek und öffnen den OPAC. // Oval Swimming Pools 3423548IN
"wasprice5290": "924.99",
"agroundpoolsSavings": " ", // AG ROUND POOLS
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pH Plus raises pH levels to prevent corrosion and eye/skin irritation. Skip to the beginning of the images gallery, NAVA 12000291 3" Chlorinating Tablets, 50 lb. "price5290": "832.49",
// Hayward ASME Universal H-Series Heater
"waspriceAGSOLAR": "26.99",
"roboticSavings": "33%", // ROBOTIC CLEANERS
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// Aquabot Pool Rover Jr.
Includes Doheny's pH Minus, Doheny's pH Plus, and Doheny's Alkalinity Up to meet all your balancing needs. // Aquabot Mamba Automatic Pool Cleaner
// Ramuc DS Acrylic
// ------------------------------------------------------ Solar
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Description Poolife pH Plus. "price225003": "3.62",
// SR Smith TrueTread Diving Board
"price1563": "219.99",
i. "price6959": "7.49",
Add to Cart.
// Intex Round Steel-Frame
Orders must be placed by. By keeping the water within this range, your sanitizer will be able to work more effectively, reduce equipment corrosion, reduce eye irritation, and reduce skin dryness. "wasprice2495": "",
Saves you money on chemicals! // ------------------------------------------ Chemical Feeder
"priceOVERLAPLINER": "89.99",
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Check pool pH levels often. // AquaChek Water Testing Strips
// SR Smith ML300 ADA Pool Lifts
"igpoolsSavings": "10%", // IG POOLS
"igcleanrSavings": "20%", // IG CLEANERS
"agwintcovSavings": "10%", // AG SOLID WINTER COVERS
Shocking your pool using a hypochlorite source of chlorine (bleach, liquid chlorine, Cal-hypo or Lithium) raises your pools pH levels. "price2691": "38.99",
"price225001": "2.53",
Aktueller Hinweis zum WiSe 2020/21: Beachten Sie bitte unsere Informationen zu den Online-Angeboten der Bibliothek (z.B.
To avoid this, simply reduce your pH levels BEFORE shocking. // Pentair MasterTemp Heater
"price9700": "18.99",
"price20461": "47.69",
// Hayward Max-Flo XL Pump 9397
"wasprice4680": "254.99",
"igsafecovSavings": "10%", // IG SAFETY COVERS
Use the convenient dosage chart on the product label. };
// IG Solid Winter Covers New Value Line NLA
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"price62500BLUE": "2,679.99",
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Opac plus Mein Konto Datenbanken E-Zeitschriften Öffnungszeiten. "wasprice2683": "",
"price12121": "46.34",
// OnGround Safety Covers
"price8059": "1029.99",
"thermometerSavings": "10%", // THERMOMETERS
"price8039": "199.00",
Perfect pool water starts with the proper pH levels. Sie können z. "clearLiners": "25%",
// SR Smith Mobile Aquatic Wheel Chair
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"price62506": "112.49",
// Table Top Pool Table
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Clorox Pool&Spa XtraBlue Chlorinating Tablets- 12 lb 12-lb Bucket 3-in Pool Chlorine Tabs. "priceINTEXPOOL": "449.99",
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"price4896": "22.99",
"price377003": "199.99",
"agcleanrSavings": "35%", // AG CLEANERS
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Mit dem Katalog plus suchen Sie parallel in den Beständen der Badischen Landesbibliothek nach Buch- und Zeitschriftentiteln (Bücher & mehr) sowie in ausgewählten Fachdatenbanken und freien Internetquellen nach Aufsätzen (Artikel & mehr). "wasprice2479": "",
"price156590": "179.99",
"priceROUNDPOOL": "749.99",
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// AG Solid Winter Covers
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Item #649731. "agpumpsSavings": "", // AG PUMPS
Maintaining a pH level below 7.2 keeps your sanitizer from working effectively and can cause equipment corrosion, eye irritation, and skin discomfort.
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DATENBANK-TIPP. "allaccessSavings": "10%", // ALL ACCESSORIES
"price1296": "156.99",
"agheatrSavings": "23%", // AG HEATERS
// ILP Water Testing Strips
"wasprice1402": "389.99",
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OPAC software measures the most critical skills and abilities required in today’s administrative and clerical positions. OPACS is an independent, privately-owned Arizona company.
pH Plus Perfect pool water starts with the proper pH levels. Plus, customers enjoy FREE Shipping and Handling on EVERY ORDER of $99 or more!
// Reel System
"price1042": "66.99",
// Liner Guard
Filters & System
"priceJHOOKLINER": "244.99",
Protects against etching of surfaces and eye irritation. "wasprice62600": "1,833.99",
Opac Recherchieren, Kontoeinsicht, Vormerken, Verlängern In unserem Online-Katalog suchen Sie nach gedruckten Büchern, E-Books, Zeitschriften und audiovisuellen Medien. Shock Plus doesn’t impact pH and is fast dissolving so you can swim in as little as 15 minutes. "clarfySavings": "$10", // CLARIFIERS
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"price3203": "77.99",
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// Hayward H-Series AG Heater NLA
"price2164": "41.99",
"balncSavings": "$16", // BALANCERS
"price7547": "1,999.99",
Only 18 left in stock - order soon. "price2324": "2,149.99",
E-Medien-Nutzung von außerhalb des Campus, Online-Schulungen etc.)! Passwort abgelaufen, oder vergessen? "wasprice62506": "124.99",
// SR Smith Steel Hand Rails, 48 in
"wasprice8650": "32.99",
// Outdoor Solutions The Cover Captain
"wasprice8064": "",
"wasprice8640": "32.99",
Alkalinity UpRaises alkalinity levels to protect pool surfaces and helps maintain pH balance. "wasprice8407": "1,083.32",
Your pool water’s alkalinity is a buffer for the pH level - so it is important to correct alkalinity imbalances before you attempt to correct pH! $41.97. pH Plus raises pH levels to prevent corrosion and eye/skin irritation.
"iglinersSavings": "10%", // IG POOL LINERS
"price6256": "1,199.99",
// ----------------------------------------------- Pumps
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4-lb Ph Up Pool Balancer. // Nava Winter Closing Kits
"wasprice4896": "31.97",
Contains sodium carbonate soda ash. "price7757WHIT": "469.99",
// Harris ProVac Suction Cleaner
"waterbagsSavings": "10%", // IG WATER BAGS
And with the time you save using our convenient, easy-open, easy-pour bottles, you now have more time to enjoy summer!
"priceOVALPOOL": "1,309.99",
"closingSavings": "10%", // CLOSING KITS
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// Kreepy Krauly Pool Cleaner
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// Safety Anchor Cover
gedruckte Bücher und E-Books "clearSolar": "25%",
"igsolcovSavings": "34%", // IG SOLAR COVERS
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The proper range that pools should be maintained at is 7.2 to 7.8. "igdivingSavings": "34%", // IG DIVING BOARDS
// Jandy IG Pro Series JXi Heater
"wasprice9977": "",
// PSS Start-Up Pill
// ------------------------------------------------- Accessories / Maintenance
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"maintenanceSavings": "10%", // MAINTENANCE
"price5629": "929.00",
// SR Smith Pool & Spa Lift Available Sign
Test pH frequently and add this product if pH is below 7.2. Your current location is outside the Next Day Delivery area. // Harris ProForce IG Pump
Prevents corrosion. "igfiltersSavings": "16%", // IG FILTERS
"price6440": "949.99",
"spaEquipmentSavings": "50%", // SPA EQUIPMENT
// ------------------------------------------------------------ Accessories
For a clean, clear pool, test water weekly to maintain a pH level between 7.2 and 7.6 and a free chlorine level between 1 and 4 ppm. // hth Shock
"price2387": "19.99",
Keep on hand to treat elevated pH levels that can cause eye/skin irritation, cloudy water and scaling that can damage pool surfaces and equipment.
// Hayward DV50000 Cleaner
"priceLINERS": "89.99",
// if no was price leave blank between quotes (ie. "") "wasprice200300": "",
"price7785": "179.00",
Alkalinity Up Raises alkalinity levels to protect pool surfaces and helps maintain pH balance.
// Hayward Super Pump
"price12094": "20.69",
Startseite Download Zentrum Sitemap Kontakt Login.
We are not accepting new orders for swimming pools at this time due to overwhelming demand combined with manufacturing delays and shut downs as a result of COVID-19. "price5570": "20.51",
Q: How much pH Increaser should I use to raise the pH? "wasprice62003GRAY": "",
"price7544": "134.99",
// Natural Chemistry Pool Magic Spring & Fall + Phos Free
// Intex Swimming Pools 7755
"aglineraccessSavings": "10%", // AG LINER ACCESSORIES
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// Pentair Lil' Shark Pool Cleaner
"price152601": "129.99",
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// Hayward Aqua Critters 4947
"shockSavings": "$163", // SHOCK
// 7780 7782 - Hayward PowerFlo MATRIX
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part of the incunabula collection (all the incunabula are searchable via INKA, which contains all incunabula held in German libraries) "wasprice5996": "",
B. einen Personennamen zusammen mit einem Titelstichwort oder aber mehrere Titelstichworte eingeben.
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// Olympic Zeron Epoxy Pool Coating
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// ------------------------------------------ Salt Systems
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// AG Pump ProForce 3/4 HP
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Dosage: 1 lb per 10,000 gallons water if only below 6.6.
4-lb pH Up Pool Balancer. Keep on hand to treat elevated pH levels that can cause eye/skin irritation, cloudy water and scaling that can damage pool surfaces and equipment. // Mighty Step Above Ground Pool Steps
Contains active ingredient- sodium bicarbonate 99.0-100%. // PSS Start-Up Kits
// Mesh Safety Covers
Adjust or ensure alkalinity levels are in the desired range before adjusting pH. // Thermal Spa Blanket
Clorox Pool&Spa Shock Plus clears cloudy water, kills bacteria, and destroys contaminants fast with its powerful 4 In.
We supply our customers with everything they need to run their offices. "price4235": "288.49",
"toygamefloatSavings": "26%", // TOYS, GAMES + FLOATS
Die einfache bzw. Shocking your pool using a hypochlorite source of chlorine (bleach, liquid chlorine, Cal-hypo or Lithium) raises your pools pH levels. // Solaxx Reliant System 20082
Bitte verwenden Sie zum Anmelden Ihre PH Benutzerkennung.
"price2472": "239.00",
"price482020Q12": "18.99",
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"coverPumpsSavings": "10%", // COVER PUMPS
Protects expensive equipment. Bei Problemen oder Fragen zu diesem PH-Nutzeraccount, wenden Sie sich bitte an das MIT. Hier können Sie ein neues Passwort anfordern. // ------------------------------------------------------------------ CLEARANCE
"price8407": "974.99",
// Polaris 165 Classic Pool Cleaner
// LoChlor Aqua Blanket
Contains sodium carbonate soda ash. "wasprice3845": " ",
"chloreSavings": "25%",
Literaturtipps gibt es hier. "wasprice5770": "",
// IG Pump ProForce 1 HP
// Quick Spa
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Alkalinity First!
// Overlap Liners
"price4323": "99.99",
// All Above Ground Swimming Pools 3425748IN
// Mytee Mitt
"waspriceOVERLAPLINER": "",
// ------------------------------------------------------------------ INGROUND
Im OPAC der Hochschulbibliothek ist der eigene Bestand gedruckter, audiovisueller und zunehmend auch digitaler Ressourcen sowie deren Verfügbarkeit nachgewiesen. "price5547": "1,549.00",
"price7454": "99.99",
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