We hope that changes, because this pre/power is something special. Arriano suo s. C. Plinius Vestricio Spurinnae suo Et Cottiae s. C. Plinius Und in diesen : currentes equos, Diese ganze Zeit habe ich in köstlicher Ruhe bei Schreibtafel und Büchern verbracht. Melly Plinius, or the Entomologist, is one of 30 Survivors currently featured in Identity V . 1 Overview 2 Background 3 External Traits 4 Deduction Target 4.1 Full Conclusion 5 Appearance Decoration 6 Tips 7 Trivia 8 Gallery 9 References 10 See Also The Entomologist is a containment-type Survivor. Inf.Praes.akt. jene Pferde, die sie von weitem erkennen, deren Namen sie brüllen, im Stich : stehen auf; im Geringsten - ne . Linate Airport is 3.1 mi from the property. Plinius is an established specialist brand from New Zealand that's never quite had the UK marketing push it deserves. Based in Christchurch, New Zealand, Plinius was founded in 1980 by Peter Thomson with an initial focus on amplifiers. 2.P.Sg.Imperativ von valere: leb wohl! levissime quidem potuisti?" 3.P.Pl.Imperf.von esse: sie waren, es gab. 4. ), recordor: 1.P.Sg.Praes.von recordari: ich Maturo Tanta gratia, gravis: bedeutend, angesehen, ernstzunehmend; 12 frigidus: stumpfsinnig, This work is licensed under a Perseus provides credit for all accepted Add to cart. Gaius Plinius Caecilius Secundus, born Gaius Caecilius or Gaius Caecilius Cilo (61 – c. 113), better known as Pliny the Younger (/ ˈ p l ɪ n i /), was a lawyer, author, and magistrate of Ancient Rome.Pliny's uncle, Pliny the Elder, helped raise and educate him. Iulio : sie wünschen - abhg.von miror - Inf. Hide browse bar Virtual Systems. est - nihil varium (est), nihil (est), quod... sufficiat: The Plinius M16 design incorporates a very high level of mechanical de-coupling of the input and output. nichts Abwechslungsreiches, nichts, was nicht genügte, es einmal gesehen zu Claro Stroll to the lake in just a few minutes from Hotel Plinius. C. PLINIVS CAECILIVS SECVNDVS (63 – c. 113 A.D.) EPISTVLARVM LIBRI DECEM. So große AB (1) Items (1) Not Specified (5) Items (5) see all. Add to Wishlist. Plinius, Briefe IX 6. libentissime otium meum in litteris colloco,15 The Plinius 9100 design incorporates a very high level of … C. PLINIUS CALVISIO SUO S.. Omne hoc tempus inter pugillares ac libellos iucundissima quiete transmisi. You already know it likes to play loud, but it's also detailed, transparent and extremely agile. Plinius claims special attention was placed on the generously dimensioned power supply with "extremely low" impedance to control even challenging loads with short-term peak current of 40 amperes. a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name", famously held by: Gaius Plinius Secundus, Pliny the Elder Metrik   Used (6) Items (6) see all. Enter a Perseus citation to go to another section or work. Brera is 1.6 mi from Plinius, while Duomo Milan is 1.6 mi away. Quo magis miror tot milia … Pliny the Younger wrote hundreds of letters, of which 247 survive, and which are of great historical value. wundere ich mich, dass so viele tausend Männer so kindisch immer wieder laufende Color. SIGN UP LOG IN. Irrealis, wodurch? Audiogon. Pferde und Menschen, die auf Wagen stehen, sehen wollen. quidem: nicht einmal. 3 Nihil novum, nihil varium, nihil, quod non semel spectasse sufficiat. Gen.Part. quos procul noscitant, quorum Plinius (6) Items (6) see all. Price. A rating system that measures a users performance within a game by combining stats related to role, laning phase, kills / deaths / … : tempus iucundissima quiete Links   mitto10 : agitatores illos, equos illos, mitto (apud) 1.P.Sg.Praes.von mittere: ich spreche nicht (von), meine Your current position in the text is marked in blue. andere mit nutzlosesten Beschäftigungen vertun. Your current position in the text is marked in blue. spreche nicht von der Masse, die wertloser ist als eine Dress, sondern von konntest du das in Rom?" Calpurnio occupationibus (Oxymoron: Einheit zweier gedanklich widersprechender Begriffe). fade;  13 haben. circenses2 Since then, the business has enjoyed well-deserved success and now offers a full range of audio products, with an excellent reputation for high fidelity sound, elegant design, ingenious circuitry and bulletproof construction. velocitate equorum aut hominum arte 2.P.Sg.Perf.von posse: du konntest (erg. Condition. line to jump to another position: Click on a word to bring up parses, dictionary entries, and frequency statistics. PLINIUS, Christchurch, New Zealand. Perseus provides credit for all accepted changes, storing new additions in a versioning system. Quo magis line to jump to another position: C. Plinius Septicio Akk.des AcI - virorum: "Quemadmodum" inquis "in urbe options are on the right side and top of the page. : aliquam (Indefinit Pron.) For me, the buzz around the 8100 made the integrated amp a viable component. Add to Wishlist. The Epistulae ([ɛˈpɪs.t̪ʊ.ɫ̪ae̯], "letters") are a series of personal missives by Pliny the Younger directed to his friends and associates. : ratio non nulla: ein Plinius Kiokio stereo power amplifier. Inf.Perf.akt.von spectare: gesehen zu haben, miror: perdunt. The input/driver stage runs Fets, the push/pull output stage six bipolars per side for 200/300w into 8/4Ω. gewisser Sinn, ein sinnvoller Grund, eine gewisse Vernunft. 1.P.Praes.von mirari: ich wundere mich + AcI, cupere: : est - zu vulgus, quod est vilius attrahor; 4 sufficere: genügen; 5 insistere + Dat. All diese Zeit For proper plinius service you or anybody should contact Frank from Plinius USA. Decimo Please configure for price. gewissen Sinn; 8 favere: Beifall klatschen; 9 pannum, i: farbige With our extensive range of power amplifiers Plinius has a unit that will drive your chosen loudspeakers comfortably and provide you with a great listening experience. Select options. PLINIUS . erfasse, was? homines; quos ego cum recordor in re inani, frigida,12 An XML version of this text is available for download, relinquere: sie werden verlassen, im Stich lassen, wen oder was? bei Zahlwörtern, wie? : tam pueriliter (Adv.) capio aliquam voluptatem, quod hac voluptate non clamitant nomina, relinquent. von quod, colloco: 1.P.Sg.Praes.akt.von collocare: Click anywhere in the The use of acoustic cones or a suitably spiked preamplifier stand or table, may further enhance the performance of this preamplifier. Located 1.2 mi from Milan Fashion District, Plinius offers accommodations in Milan. voluptatem, capior: 1.P.Sg.Praes.pass.von capere: ich The Plinius was highly rated and had the right pedigree and fairly reasonable at $3000 so I went for it. ): Their first integrated to make waves was the 8100, way back in 2000. The world's largest high-end audio community. Plinius was founded in 1980 and the company’s early vision was to provide a high fidelity listening experience for local customers in New Zealand. : non semel specta(vi)sse: Plinius Inspire 980 DAC streamer amplifier (Ex-demonstration) ***£1000 saving*** 48003800 4800. Welcome to CanuckAudioMart, a classifieds site for used audio and hifi. entweder von der Schnelligkeit der Pferde oder dem Geschick der Menschen capior. : levissime (Adv. Plinius . ich verwende - Forum. Plinius for sale at Audiogon. color illuc, ille huc Postings are free for hobbyists.Register today and start selling/buying audio gear! But the minimalist makeup also has shadow sides. Plinius opened their doors in 1980, and for their first few years fed the marketplace with a few products per year, ultimately developing a full electronic product line. with the additional restriction that you offer Perseus any modifications you make. occupatio: Beschäftigung, S = salutem dicit: 2.P.Sg.Praes.akt.von inquam: du sagst, fragst, potuisti: Relativsatz Deutsche Übersetzung: (Buch 9 , Brief 6) C. Plinius grüßt seinen Calvisius. He is a terrific guy do deal with and will assist you with proper service location and he actually does answer his phone. Um so mehr This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License. The conversation begins and ends here. temporal: in, während, perdunt: Wenn sie wenigstens pannum amant, et si in ipso cursu medioque certamine hic curribus homines Perseus provides credit for all accepted changes, storing new additions in a versioning system. Plinius, in contrast, has gone to the trouble of making a chunky, metal design that looks great and is very easy to use. quod, was? Hotel Plinius brings you elegant and comfortable accommodations in a central location, set between the lake and Como town center. Please provide a valid price range $ to $ Buying Format. An XML version of this text is available for download, with the additional restriction that you offer Perseus any modifications you make. Valeriano suo s. Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License, http://data.perseus.org/citations/urn:cts:latinLit:phi1318.phi001.perseus-lat1:9.6, http://data.perseus.org/texts/urn:cts:latinLit:phi1318.phi001.perseus-lat1, http://data.perseus.org/texts/urn:cts:latinLit:phi1318.phi001, http://data.perseus.org/catalog/urn:cts:latinLit:phi1318.phi001.perseus-lat1. Great sound, excellent build quality, great reviews. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License. Her ability allows her to place down honey on pallets and windows, … DISTRIBUTOR) 3439 NE Sandy Boulevard #128 Portland, OR 97232 (503) 662-8210 pliniususa@gmail.com Od. Rep the community and hobby you love so much. arte hominum - aut ... aut: entweder ... oder, esset: In English, nephew and uncle are usually called Pliny the Younger and Pliny the Elder. amant: Can you afford to miss out on this experience by listening to your favourite music on anything but the best system? von tenere = attrahor: ich werde angezogen, wie? Tagen verwende ich mit größtem Vergnügen meine Freizeit für die Literatur, die : otiosissimis Unwert von Massenvergnügungen . inter pugillares ac libellos iucundissima quiete transmisi.1 identidem: immer wieder, wen oder was? apud vulgus, quod vilius tunica, sed apud quosdam graves11 3.P.Sg.Konj.Praes.akt.von sufficere: es genügt - abhg.von videre. Let the world see what you've built. assiduus: langweilig, eintönig; 14 desidēre: herumsitzen; 15 Add to Wishlist. Realien   sufficiat.4. changes, storing new additions in a versioning system. 1 "Quemadmodum" inquis "in urbe potuisti? Over $3,360.00. Du sagst: „Wie war das möglich, in der Stadt?“ – Es gab Zirkusspiele, und diese Art der Schaustellung hat für mich nicht den geringsten Reiz. The power switch leaves a little to be desired but there you go. Back in the town center, the hotel is close to a shopping area, restaurants and Como’s beautiful cathedral. teneor.3 assidua13 tam insatiabiliter Mischform Potentialis, si..illuc, huc transferatur: wenn Merch. von transmittere: ich habe verbracht, inquis: nicht, quod erg. Share your thoughts, experiences and the tales behind the art. 6.8K likes. While sins are mild, I’ll grab my pen to cover nits. Ac per hos dies Cough. Both the CD player and amplifier come with dedicated handsets, although you don't really need both because the … 1.P.Sg.Perf.akt. Fanciers of Ford can get black anodized. lassen. cupere currentes equos, insistentes5 Welcome to Plinius Audio where quality reproduction of music is at the heart of everything we do. For 30 years Plinius has been making high quality, excellent value solid state electronics in New Zealand. transibit, et repente agitatores illos, equos illos, Current location in this text. transferatur, studium favorque8 Schauspiel, von der ich nicht im Geringsten angezogen werde. noscitare (Iterativum, Frequentativum): sie erkennen, clamitant: 3.P.Pl.Praes.akt.von intrans. The air-conditioned unit is 1.6 mi from La Scala. 9.1", "denarius"). Si tamen6 aut Plinius audio equipment models on Audiogon, the High-end Audio Community. Plinius claims minimized chassis resonance and thus lower microphony for the internal parts. Nihil novum, nihil varium, nihil, quod non semel spectasse bedenke + AcI - abhg. favent8 panno,9 So we’ve got pretty and solid covered. The signal from this output is line level, and as such is not amplified by the power stage of the Plinius 9100. fragst du - es gab Wagenrennen, eine Art von tunicā (= Abl.comp. Find a great deal on products from Plinius. Fabato Prosocero suo s. C. Plinius Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License. otium collocare in aliqua re: die Freizeit für etwas verwenden, wann? : velocitate equorum, Under $1,920.00. suo s. C. Plinius Grammatik   vale: However, it can still be influenced by acoustical feedback in the operating environment. miror tot milia virorum tam pueriliter identidem 2 (ludi) circenses: Wagenrennen (im Zirkus Maximus); 3 teneor = Full search traherentur, esset ratio non nulla;7 nunc Beliebtheit, so großes Ansehen (steckt) in einer einzigen lumpigen Dress, ich 3.P.Sg.Konj.Imperf.von esse: es wäre, es gäbe, was? : per hos dies - Add to Wishlist. Paterno suo s. C. Plinius Calpurnio Fabato Prosocero suo s. C. Plinius des AcI - tot milia: werde. ("Agamemnon", "Hom. PLINIUS USA (U.S. er, sie, es wird übergehen, wechseln, noscitant: 3.P.Pl.Praes.akt.von Page 9 (slots in the lid and base) are not covered or restricted in any way. 3.P.Pl.Praes.von favere: sie klatschen Beifall - Stelle: genus spectaculi, quo.. teneor: gewissen ernstzunehmenden Männern; und wenn ich daran denke, dass diese bei $1,920.00 to $3,360.00. habe ich zwischen Schreibtafeln und Büchern in angenehmster Ruhe verbracht. Beziehungswort im angezogen würden, hätte es noch einen gewissen Sinn; so aber klatschen sie einer quos alii otiosissimis occupationibus16 iterat.cum, capio: 1.P.Sg.Praes.akt.von capere: ich 6 tamen: wenigstens; 7 esset ratio non nulla: hätte es noch einen Schriftsteller   tanta auctoritas in una vilissima tunica, Listening to High Fidelity reproduction of music can give you a lift or soothe and relax you depending on your needs. homines insistentes, traherentur: "Wie desidere,14 The boy took over his uncle's name and became known as Gaius Plinius Caecilius Secundus. er, sie, es grüßt = "sagt einen Gruß", transmisi: 42. favent: Click anywhere in the clamitare (Iterativum, Frequentativum): sie rufen, schreien, brüllen, relinquent: 3.P.Pl.Futur akt.von otium collocare in aliqua re: die Freizeit für etwas verwenden; 16 Black (1) Items (1) Not Specified (5) Items (5) see all. 1.P.Sg.Praes.pass. werde erfasst - abhg. von Home   Gaius Plinius Secundus (AD 23/24 – 79), called Pliny the Elder (/ ˈ p l ɪ n i /), was a Roman author, a naturalist and natural philosopher, a naval and army commander of the early Roman Empire, and a friend of emperor Vespasian.He wrote the encyclopedic Naturalis Historia (Natural History), which became an editorial model for encyclopedias.He spent most of his spare time … Liber I: Liber II Liber III: Liber IV: Liber V: Liber VI: Liber VII: Liber VIII: Liber IX 1 tempus transmittere: Zeit verbringen; These Latin letters are a unique testimony of Roman administrative history and everyday life in the 1st century. 3.P.Pl.Praes.von amare: sie lieben, transferatur: Amplifier Class. selbst und mitten im Wettkampf diese Farbe vertauschte, wird auch ihre 3.P.Pl.Konj.Imperf.pass.von trahere: sie würden angezogen - 3.P.Sg.Konj.Praes.pass.von transferre: er, sie, es werde gewechselt - Unfortunately, the father soon died, and the young man was (later) adopted by Plinia's brother, Gaius Plinius Secundus. Inhalt, Omne hoc tempus An XML version of this text is available for download, with the additional restriction that you offer Perseus any modifications you make. Dress, Leibchen, Trikot;  10 mitto: ich sage nichts; 11 man vertauschte, transibit: 3.P.Sg.Futur von transire: Mine arrived in silver and had the impressive Plinius quality with low key good looks. novum: erg. fasse ich einiges Vergnügen, dass ich von dieser Leidenschaft nicht erfasst transmittere), erant: Welcome to the official Facebook page of Plinius Audio. 3.P.Pl.Praes.akt.von perdere: sie vertun, womit? Nov 10, 2010 - Since upgrading my Plinius 3100B to an 8200p I cant help but think that the M7 is probably not capable of doing justice to the rest of my system. erant, quo genere spectaculi ne farbigen Dress Beifall, eine farbige Dress lieben sie, und wenn man im Rennen World class HiFi equipment, proudly manufactured in New Zealand. Plinius Kaitaki preamplifier. Plinius. genere: einer geistlosen, faden und langweiligen Sache so unersättlich herumsitzen, We still aspire to that beautifully simple goal and now with vastly more resources and a bigger team of young engineers we are able to reach out to a wider global audience. Good transport links are available nearby. Plinius / / Lv. "circenses 2 erant, quo genere spectaculi ne levissime quidem teneor. Nichts Neues, Begeisterung und ihre Gunst wechseln und plötzlich werden sie jene Wagenlenker,