A higher transistor count generally indicates a newer, more powerful processor. Compare hashrate, power consumption, and profitability of different hardware. This means that GTX 1650 Super should deliver up to 60 FPS on average in AAA titles, and up to 80 FPS in eSports gaming titles. However, you can now have it at around $200 which is still not reasonable for such an old card. Now, though, there’s another 16-series card on the block: the GTX 1660 Super. Some apps use OpenCL to apply the power of the graphics processing unit (GPU) for non-graphical computing. Here again we see that GTX 1650 Super performs slightly better vs GTX 1060, but performance advantage is negligible. Compare VGAs vs. GeForce GTX 1650, the budget graphics card, has gotten a little better as it now comes with GDDR6 memory. Allows you to view in 3D (if you have a 3D display and glasses). Nevertheless, the GTX 1650 Super might be a suitable solution for 1440P gaming, but only if you plan to play first-person shooters. The Turing-based GTX 1650 Super and the Pascal-based GTX 1060 perform nearly identical, however the card from the SUPER lineup seems to have slight advantage in terms of overall performance. Compared to the GTX 1060 6GB, the GTX 1650 Super has slightly faster base and boost clocks, but this frequency increase is less than 1 percent overall. Release date-Base Clock 1530 MHz. This generally results in … For more information, see our disclosures here. Comparatively, this card will have slightly faster performance than the GTX 1060. Also, there are various custom models of this card made by different manufacturers, so there are plenty of GTX 1650 Super variants to choose from, each with their own special features. One thing that is really impressive about the GTX 1650 Super is that this card consumes only 100W under full load, and it requires only one 6-pin power connector to draw energy from. In newer titles such as Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, Control and Red Dead Redemption 2, the GTX 1650 Super is completely useless at 1440P resolution. GeForce GTX 1650 GDDR6 vs GDDR5 Comparison and Gaming Benchmarks. Nevertheless, this card offers a lot of performance for a good price, and as such it is one of the best budget graphics cards around. The 1660 Super has 14 Gbps GDDR6 (versus 12Gbps GDDR6 for the 1660 Ti and 8Gbps GDDR5 for the 1660). Just like its previous generation competitor – the GTX 1060 – the card supports latest computer graphics technologies such as DirectX 12 and Vulkan APIs, OpenGL 4.6, OpenCL 1.2, Nvidia GeForce Experience, Nvidia Ansel and Nvidia G-Sync. The GTX 1650 Super comes in a single memory flavor: 4GB. It is a quick-access, temporary virtual storage that can be read and changed in any order, thus enabling fast data processing. Darüber hinaus gibt es eine Backplate. The GeForce GTX 1650 Super 4GBrequires 100 Watts to run and the GeForce GTX 1060 Asus Dual 6GBrequires 120 Watts. Shading units (or stream processors) are small processors within the graphics card that are responsible for processing different aspects of the image. This generally results in better performance than a similar, single-GPU graphics card. GTX 1650 Super vs GTX 1060. Peripheral Component Interconnect Express (PCIe) is a high-speed interface standard for connecting components, such as graphics cards and SSDs, to a motherboard. GTX 1060 6GB is no longer in production and was priced at $300 when it was launched. vs. Asus TUF GeForce GTX 1650 Super Gaming OC. The Nvidia GTX 1650 Super features 12Gbps GDDR6 up from 8Gbps of GDDR5 on the “not super” GTX 1650. You can check the current pricing of all these cards from the links given b… The GTX 1650 supersedes NVIDIA’s two year old 1050, outperforming it by around 52%.It features a TU117 processor based on the latest Turing architecture, which is a reduced version of the TU116 in the GTX 1660.The 1650 has 896 NVIDIA CUDA Cores, a base/boost clock of 1485/1665 MHz and 4GB of GDDR5 memory running at up to 8Gbps. Required fields are marked *. Gigabyte GeForce GTX 1060 vs MSI GeForce GTX 1650 Super Gaming, Has Double Precision Floating Point (DPFP), 0.56 TFLOPS higher floating-point performance, 3992MHz higher effective memory clock speed, Gigabyte Geforce GTX 1050 Ti OC 4GB GDDR5 128 Bit PCI-E Graphic Card (GV-N105TOC-4GD), Gigabyte GeForce GTX 1060 Mini ITX OC 3GB GDDR5 Graphics Card (GV-N1060IXOC-3GD), Gigabyte GeForce GTX 1060 Windforce OC 3GB GDDR5 Graphics Card (Renewed), Gigabyte GV-N1030OC-2GI Nvidia GeForce GT 1030 OC 2G Graphics Card, Gigabyte GeForce GTX 1660 Gaming OC 6G Graphics Card, 3X Windforce Fans, 6GB 192-bit GDDR5, Gv-N1660GAMING OC-6GD Video Card, Gigabyte GeForce GT 1030 GV-N1030D5-2GL Low Profile 2G Computer Graphics Card, Gigabyte GeForce GTX 1660 Super OC 6G Graphics Card, 2X Windforce Fans, 6GB 192-bit GDDR6, Gv-N166SOC-6GD Video Card, MSI Gaming GeForce GTX 1650 128-Bit HDMI/DP/DVI 4GB GDRR5 HDCP Support DirectX 12 VR Ready OC Low Profile Bracket Included Graphics Card (GTX 1650 4GT LP OC), MSI G1650VXS4C Gaming GeForce GTX 1650 128-Bit HDMI/DP 4GB GDRR5 HDCP Support DirectX 12 VR Ready OC Graphics Card (GTX 1650 Ventus XS 4G OC), MSI Gaming GeForce GTX 1660 192-Bit HDMI/DP 6GB GDRR5 HDCP Support DirectX 12 Dual Fan VR Ready OC Graphics Card (GTX 1660 VENTUS XS 6G OC), 2Pcs/Lot PLD09210S12HH GPU Card Cooler Fan For MSI GeForce GTX 1650 Super 1660 1660Ti GAMING X Graphics Card Fan. Otherwise you should look for something more powerful, especially if you want to play on 144 Hz monitor. Since GTX 1060 6GB is the real performance competitor to the GTX 1650 Super, in this article we’ll examine how does the new card perform compared to the old Pascal-based mainstream 1080P king. 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. Nvidia GeForce GTX 1650 vs Nvidia GeForce GTX 1650 Super in 12 games! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Multi pools. Nvidia’s GTX 1060 has been the cornerstone of many a gaming PC over the last couple of years, but its time in the sun is slowly coming to an end. That said, today we’re checking out who wins the GTX 1650 Super vs GTX 1050 Ti battle, aloguht the results are pretty much predictable. System Suggestions. The card itself should also be a great alternative for buyers who want to have an enjoyable 1080P gaming experience without the need to buy second hand graphics cards. The GTX 1650 Super’s main competitors are AMD RX 5500 XT, as well as other previous-generation AMD’s graphics cards such as RX 580 and RX 570, and Nvidia’s older GPUs such as GTX 1060 6GB and GTX 970. However, if you are looking for a good 1080P card which is very energy efficient and supports newer technologies, then GTX 1650 Super might be a good choice. The number of pixels that can be rendered to the screen every second. Zotac GeForce GTX 1650 Super Twin Fan. 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. The memory clock speed is one aspect that determines the memory bandwidth. Both cards have nearly the same memory bandwidth, and GTX 1650 Super has slightly more compute power than GTX 1060. Nvidia GTX 1660 Super vs 1660 Ti: 1440p benchmarks. Units. A lower TDP typically means that it consumes less power. vs. Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080 Ti. HWBench. Specs. To efficiently mine Monero (XMR) cryptocurrency, you’ll need some powerful PC hardware. GPU BATTLE! Newer versions introduce more functionality and better performance. Indeed, it was technically succeeded by Nvidia’s 16-series of GTX graphics cards earlier this year when the GTX 1660 and GTX 1660 Ti arrived. OpenGL is used in games, with newer versions supporting better graphics. Newer versions of GDDR memory offer improvements such as higher transfer rates that give increased performance. Newer versions can support more bandwidth and deliver better performance. Overall, the GeForce GTX 1650 Super is a pretty solid graphics card for 1080P gaming with medium to high settings. This page is currently only available in English. New GPU, however, only comes in a variant with 4GB of VRAM, which is bare minimum in 2020, however, it utilizes the GDDR6 technology which enables it to process information much faster, and thus not experience any performance downgrades compared to the GTX 1060. In this test it’s a win for the GTX 1060, which was scoring around 6.3% higher average FPS over the GTX 1650 at 1080p, lowered to 2% lead at 1440p. Both cards have nearly the same memory bandwidth, and GTX 1650 Super has slightly more compute power than GTX 1060. Asus ROG Strix GeForce GTX 1650 Super Gaming OC Gigabyte GeForce GTX 1060 The graphics card contains two graphics processing units (GPUs). The graphics card uses a combination of water and air to reduce the temperature of the card. The GTX 1050 Ti was probably one of the most famous Nvidia’s entry-level GPUs in the last couple of years, which is why I deduced it to run against their current-gen entry-level model – the GTX 1650 Super. However, if you are looking for something more future-proof, than GTX 1650 Super might not be a good choice. New GPU also has a narrower memory bus of only 128 bits, and it doesn’t support newer PCIe 4.0 serial bus, like the RX 5500 XT does. VS : GeForce GTX 1650 SUPER: GeForce GTX 1060: VS : GeForce GTX 1070: Radeon RX 5500 XT: VS : GeForce GTX 1070: GeForce GTX 1660 SUPER: VS : GeForce RTX 2060: GeForce GTX 1070 Ti: VS : GeForce GTX 1070 Ti: Radeon RX Vega 56: Follow us. GeForce GTX 1650 Super features the same amount of CUDA cores like the GTX 1060, which is 1280. Gigabyte GeForce GTX 1060 MSI GeForce GTX 1650 Super Gaming The graphics card contains two graphics processing units (GPUs). Like all the cards from the SUPER lineup, the GeForce GTX 1650 Super is based on the Turing architecture, and was built upon 12 nm manufacturing process. Nvidia GTX 1650 vs 1060: 1080p performance. This is the maximum rate that data can be read from or stored into memory. Hardware. Palit GeForce GTX 1060 Super JetStream Palit GeForce GTX 1650 Dual The graphics card contains two graphics processing units (GPUs). The number of textured pixels that can be rendered to the screen every second. How does the Nvidia GTX 1650 compare with the older GTX 1060 3GB graphics card? This site contains affiliate links to products. Currency. Great thing about this card is that it only draws 100W of power under full load, which is great for low-power, small form factor PCs. This allows it to be overclocked more, increasing performance. Results are shown below. Here is our list of the best graphics cards for mining Monero in 2020. With a launch price of just $160 the 1650S is aimed squarely at AMD’s 500 series cards. The graphics card supports multi-display technology. Compared to the GTX 1060 6GB, the GTX 1650 Super has slightly faster base and boost clocks, but this frequency increase is less than 1 percent overall. Random-access memory (RAM) is a form of volatile memory used to store working data and machine code currently in use. The 8GB version of RX 580 can be had for $180 to $200 depending on the model and manufacturer. Ray tracing is an advanced light rendering technique that provides more realistic lighting, shadows, and reflections in games. If you are upgrading from GTX 960 or GTX 1050, you’ll see major performance boosts with this card. It’s performance is even comparable to that of the GTX 1660 ($219), with the latter outperforming the 1660 Super by just 9%. Assassin’s Creed Odyssey. According to Nvidia, the GTX 1650 Super is up to 2 times faster than the previous-generation GTX 1050, while the GTX 1660 Super is 1.5 times faster than the GTX 1060 6GB.The GTX 1650 Super is thus able to deliver up to 80 FPS in eSports gaming titles, while the GTX 1660 Super is able to deliver more than 60 FPS on average in AAA titles. vs. ... vs. Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060. vs. Zotac GeForce GTX 1650 Super Twin Fan. Extreme. GeForce GTX 1650 SUPER GeForce GTX 1060 6 GB 9Gbps; GPU Name: TU116 vs: GP106 (GP106-410-A1) Fab Process: 12 nm: vs: 16 nm: Die Size: 284 mm²: vs: 200 mm²: Transistors vs. Zotac GeForce GTX 1070 AMP! Allows you to connect to a display using mini-DisplayPort. Despite having only 4GB of VRAM, the new Turing-based card is about 4% faster than the old GeForce GTX 1060 6GB. This generally results in better performance than a similar, single-GPU graphics card. Small semiconductors provide better performance and reduced power consumption. One gets the impression that the GTX 1650 Super was specifically designed for eSports and FPS titles, because it consistently shows better results in such games. vs. MSI GeForce GTX 1650 Super Ventus XS OC. The GTX 1660 Super, on the other hand, can be had for £220 / $230. vs. Zotac GeForce GTX 1070 AMP! PC spec: (check the Amazon affiliate links for more information) CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 Socket AM4 In most games the GTX 1650 Super seems to render couple of frames more than the GTX 1060, but there are few titles in which the older Pascal-based GPU performs better. A wider bus width means that it can carry more data per cycle. Extreme Here is our list of the best models you can buy right now. Apex Legends was tested in campaign mode. This generally results in better performance than a similar, single-GPU graphics card. Pairing this card with FreeSync capable monitor might be a good choice, however, be sure that it has DisplayPort, otherwise the card won’t support its variable refresh capabilities. The effective memory clock speed is calculated from the size and data rate of the memory. The graphics processing unit (GPU) has a higher clock speed. Overall, this card is ideal for folks trying to build best budget 1080P gaming PC, however, its VRAM limitation of only 4GB is rather disappointing. Die Frequenz des GDDR6-Speich Moreover, the card beats the GTX 1060 6GB by a small margin and comes close to GTX 1660 level of performance. The GeForce RTX 3060 Ti is the most affordable new high-end graphics card. USD/kWh. Following the release of its "Super" RTX 2060, 2070 and 2080 GPUs, NVIDIA is back with a pair of updated graphics cards: the GeForce GTX 1660 Super and GTX 1650 Super… The EVGA GeForce GTX 16-Series Graphics Cards are powered by the all-new NVIDIA Turing architecture to give you incredible new levels of gaming realism, speed, power efficiency, and immersion. We may receive a commission for purchases made through these links. The card might be suitable for playing present-day AAA titles, however, in near future it won’t be adequate since it won’t be able to load all those textures. It is an important factor of memory performance, and therefore the general performance of the graphics card. A major difference between these two cards is their size. Higher clock speeds can give increased performance in games and other apps. This card is part of the SUPER lineup of Nvidia’s graphics cards, and was meant to be provide modest improvements compared to GTX 1650 which was was released in the first half of 2019. With a launch price of just $160 the 1650S is aimed squarely at AMD’s 500 series cards. The GeForce GTX 1650 SUPER is a mid-range graphics card by NVIDIA, launched in November 2019. Compared to the GTX 1650 launched earlier this year, the GTX 1650 Super shows an average performance boost of almost 38%. With all things said, now is the time to inspect the performance of GTX 1650 Super vs its main competitor GTX 1060 6GB. It’s a different story in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, this time GTX 1060 was also coming out ahead of the 1650. More HDMI ports mean that you can simultaneously connect numerous devices, such as video game consoles and set-top boxes. The Nvidia GTX 1650 Super features 12Gbps GDDR6 up from 8Gbps of GDDR5 on the “not super” GTX 1650. Based upon 10 different sources and more than 250 data entries, we have conducted a meta-analysis of various GTX 1650 Super and GTX 1060 6GB benchmarks available online, and calculated total averages in order to compare performance of these two graphics cards. Nevertheless, the new GPU consumes only 100W of power under full load, which is absolutely fantastic if you plan to cut on your electricity bills. Asus Phoenix GeForce GTX 1650 Super Asus ROG Strix GeForce GTX 1060 The graphics card contains two graphics processing units (GPUs). In terms of price and availability, the GTX 1650 Super was meant to be a sub-$200 graphics card, which would offer solid performance for 1080P gaming without being too expensive. This generally results in better performance than a similar, single … The GeForce GTX 1650 SUPER is a solid mid-range 1080P graphics card designed for gaming on medium to high settings. In November 2019, Nvidia launched its latest mid-range graphics card called GeForce GTX 1650 Super. The Nvidia GeForce GTX 1650 for laptops is a mobile graphics card that is based on the Turing architecture (TU117 chip). Sign up now and receive curated buying guides and special offers directly to your inbox! All benchmark data was based on PC systems with Intel Core i7-8700K or i9-9900K processors, which featured at least 16 GB of DDR4 RAM, and a Windows 10 operating system running on an SSD drive. This allows you to configure multiple monitors in order to create a more immersive gaming experience, such as having a wider field of view. The GTX 1660 Super has a launch price of just $230 USD with comparable performance to the $280 USD 1660 Ti. Electricity costs. But, these specs only tell some of the story. The Best GTX 1650 SUPER Graphics Cards in 2020, there are plenty of GTX 1650 Super variants to choose from, The Best RX 5500 XT Graphics Cards in 2020, Hardware Showdown: GTX 1060 6GB vs. RX 580 8GB in 2019, Grand Theft Auto V: PC graphics settings guide for Radeon RX 580, Cyberpunk 2077: PC Benchmark and Graphics Settings Guide for Radeon RX 580, The Best GeForce RTX 3060 Ti Graphics Cards, List of NVIDIA G-Sync Compatible FreeSync Monitors, Modest performance improvements compared to its predecessors, Performance in newer titles is rather disappointing, Doesn’t perform well in games which use Vulkan API. The GDDR5 version of the GeForce GTX 1650 … We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. Otherwise the performance that this card offers is rather mediocre, especially when we take a look at the results obtained for games like Red Dead Redemption 2, Metro Exodus and Control. Reward calculation Filter. Built on the 12 nm process, and based on the TU116 graphics processor, in its TU116-250-KA-A1 variant, the card supports DirectX 12. However, I think the GTX 1660 Ti’s additional £30 / $30 or so is probably worth the extra money when you consider each card’s 1440p performance. The GeForce RTX 3070 is probably the best graphics card for 1440p gaming on the planet. The 4GB GTX 1650 Super also slightly outperformed the 6GB card GTX 1060 (priced at $249 at launch). Also, this card seems to run well with FPS titles, so if this is something you prefer, then don’t hesitate buying this card. Notable examples are PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, Apex Legends and Grand Theft Auto V, however, performance advantage is so small that it can be attributed to the measurement error. ViCadia or "Virtual Arcadia" is a novel and open-minded digital magazine about PC hardware and latest digital trends. GTX 1650 Super 4GB vs GTX 1060 6GB benchmark test in 8 games at full HD 1080p resolution 0:00 Intro 0:40 Assassin’s Creed Odyssey 2:06 Borderlands 3 4:05 Fortnite 6:07 GTA V 8:28 Overwatch 10:28 PUBG 12:22 Shadow of the TR 14:55 Rainbow Six. According to Nvidia, the GTX 1650 Super is supposed to be up to 50% faster than the ordinary GTX 1650, and up to 2 times faster than the previous-generation GTX 1050. Hardware Unboxed amalgamated 17 of its various game tests into one results graph and found that where the standard 1650 is often noticeably less … Starting with each card’s Ultra performance, you can see below that in most cases there’s a clear 10-15fps gap between the two cards at 1920×1080, giving the GTX 1060 a significant lead over its 16-series cousin. From the above chart we can see that GTX 1650 Super performs nearly identical vs GTX 1060 6GB. The graphics card contains two graphics processing units (GPUs). DirectX is used in games, with newer versions supporting better graphics. Allows you to connect to a display using DVI. Neither GTX 1060 6GB, nor GTX 1650 Super were designed to be 1440P cards, however, in certain titles they can offer enjoyable frame rate, provided that you lower your image quality settings. Bizarrely, the GTX 1650 Super has a bigger die size than the GTX 1060, which measures 284 mm². The card is very popular among gamers with a limited budget and is a boon for older systems that have a non-upgradable 300W PSU with no 6-pin/8-pin PCIe power connectors. With alerts. Devices with a HDMI or mini HDMI port can transfer high definition video and audio to a display. Overall, the GTX 1650 Super should offer GTX 1060 6GB level performance for MSRP of only $159. If you happen to play this games, and you are looking for a cheap graphics card, then GTX 1650 Super might be an ideal choice for you. If you already own GTX 1060 graphics card, then upgrade to GTX 1650 Super isn’t worthy at all. Floating-point performance is a measurement of the raw processing power of the GPU. The thermal design power (TDP) is the maximum amount of power the cooling system needs to dissipate. This website contains affiliate links. The GDDR6 technology does save the day, but it won’t be enough to push those frames to the enjoyable levels. Must read: The Best GTX 1650 SUPER Graphics Cards in 2020. Also, the GTX 1650 Super seems to be much cheaper than the RX 5500 XT, which offers slightly better performance and more VRAM, but in turn costs more. Comparing the GTX 1650S and the RX 590 shows that the 590 leads by 3% but the 1650S is … The GTX 1060 is Nvidia’s third 16 nm Pascal based GPU. Chipsets with a higher number of transistors, semiconductor components of electronic devices, offer more computational power. Comparing the GTX 1650S and the RX 590 shows that the 590 leads by 3% but the 1650S is around 10% cheaper. x. Provided that you are coming from GeForce GTX 960 or GTX 1050, the new GeForce GTX 1650 SUPER will provide noticeable performance improvements, however, if you already own a GeForce GTX 1060 6GB, then the upgrade to this card won’t be worth at all. In most cases GTX 1650 Super doesn’t offer big improvements, however, the card does seem to perform better in newer titles such as Battlefield V, Call of Duty Modern Warfare, and Forza Horizon 4. Newer versions of HDMI support higher bandwidth, which allows for higher resolutions and frame rates. Here is our list of the best models you can buy right now. Your email address will not be published. Affiliate programs and affiliations also include, but are not limited to, Rakuten Linkshare. Surprisingly, the GTX 1650 Super scores worse results than the old GTX 1060 in games such as Grand Theft Auto V and Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Wildlands in 1440P, but again runs better in Battlefield V and Destiny 2. RTX 2060), the 1650 … If you take a look at our specs table above, you’ll notice that the GTX 1650 Super features 2200 million more transistors vs the GTX 1060 6GB, and that it’s also built upon the newer manufacturing node. We would recommend a PSU with at least 350 Watts for the GTX 1650and a … Your email address will not be published. In terms of price and availability, non-reference GTX 1650 Super cards with custom coolers are now retailing at only $199, which is great price for a brand new 1080P graphics card. A small form factor allows more transistors to fit on a chip, therefore increasing its performance. The biggest disadvantage of this card it that it only features 4GB GDDR6, which really isn’t enough nowadays. Compared to the faster RTX 2000 GPUs (e.g. 1650 1650S 1060-3GB 1060-6GB. The least expensive card here is the GTX 1650 that has base MSRP of $150, while the GTX 1650 SUPER costs only a mere $10 more than it at $160. EVGA GeForce GTX 1650 Super SC Ultra Gaming, Asus ROG Strix GeForce GTX 1650 Super Gaming. Considering how GTX 1650 Super is cheap, there is really no point of buying second hand GTX 1060 cards which no longer have warranty, and are probably well worn-off. Allows you to connect to a display using DisplayPort.