Contact Person for Electrical Engineering Minor: Lea Plischuk. Mit dem Master verbessern sich Ihre Karrierechancen gleich um ein Vielfaches. Aside from the methodological education into different empirical research methods and paper styles, the students will dive deep into their chosen subjects. The programme is aimed at young professionals with some initial professional experience who would like to bridge the gap between management and technology. I was rejected by TUM Summer Semester 2020 as I did not fulfill the requirement of having 6 ECTS credits in "Empirical Methods". Instead, we offer consultations via phone: Tue 1:30-4:30 pm; Thu 9 am-12 noon. The TUM School of Management accepts next to TOEFL, IELTS and the Cambridge Certificate, also the proof of an English-language examination modules of at least 12 ECTS credits in the first-degree program. Therefore, you can choose this specialization when you already have the OSCM specialization in order to deepen your knowledge or you can choose it if you are interested in Supply Chain topics. Lectures The course Master in Management and Technology der TUM School of Management offers the course "Specialization in Engineering or Scientific Fields". The duration of the program is two years (4 semesters) and requires a full-time study commitment (30 ECTS credits per semester). If you are interested in Energy Markets then this specialization is a perfect fit for you. In today’s competitive global IT marketplace, a master’s degree from a world-class university helps you stand out from the crowd. MMT - Moin, ich interessiere mich sehr für den Master an TUM in Management & Technology. Please note that you may have to provide additional documents, so please check here. Fachliche Grundlagen im Bereich der quantitativen Entscheidungsunterstützung mit Methoden des Operations Research (6 ECTS) The Minor in Chemistry gives you the opportunity to gain insight into all of the most important chemical mothods and fields. However, for most courses, as for the Minor, good Math skills are required. Typical courses chosen by TUM-SOM students are Business Analytics, Application and Implementation of Database Systems, Techniques in Artificial Intelligence and Information- and Knowledge Management. The topics are close to practice and the seminars are often conducted in cooperation with industrial partners to offer a practical application of the acquired skills. Studiengang Master in Management & Innovation: Kandidatenauswahl startet. Due to the current situation, we have decided to cancel our Student Visiting Hours. : 24.05.1996: Gender: Email Address : You apply for : TUM Alumnus: Academic Qualification (e.g. Wie schwer ist es in das QTEM Programm zu kommen? We continuously receive enthusiastic feedback from our partners on the master’s program. Please be aware that some lectures are held in German. Thank you for your understanding. In general, the program consists of four spaces, in which all modules are non-compulsory: Especially the electives enable students to go abroad more easily without losing a semester. Most courses are held in English, but there are also some in German. The Master in Management and Technology (MMT) is a master’s program at the TUM School of Management replacing the two former master’s programs TUM-BWL and TUM WITEC. Contact Person for Chemistry Major: Collin Ratzka. Beide Studiengänge sind außerdem in Englisch abgehalten. As a graduate from this unique English-language programme, you will have the exclusive ability to foster innovations within organisations. Classes are together with the mechanical engineering students and held in German language only! By choosing additional courses like the Use of Renewable Energies, you can vary your learnings with more hands-on electrotechnology. The specialization in Marketing, Strategy and Leadership offers a broad spectrum of lectures and seminars into different aspects of the three areas. Furthermore, you will gain knowledge about different government styles and approaches towards the most challenging problems nowadays. Unique Aspects of the Master’s Program An interdisciplinary program at the intersection of politics and technology: the program´s offers in not only innovative education in political science (e.g. The courses in the Computer Engineering specialization are offered by the Faculties of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, which means that you can choose to learn the fundamentals of electrical circuits, the development of communication networks, multiple programming languages like Java, Python or R, and even develop an app for a real company in the IOS Practical Course. This prestigious achievement shows that FIM is the best CHE-rated economics master program in Germany. To fulfill the requirements, 30 ECTS should be absolved in one of the following specialization: You want to understand how disruptive ideas turn into successful business models? No phone consultations from Dec. 21st 2020 until Jan. 8th 2021. If the number of attended modules is insufficient, or in the case of changing the specialization compared to the bachelor’s studies, the student can only attend so-called Minor courses. You are interested in learning how entrepreneurs think and act? Click here for more information. To qualify for the Master in Management and Technology, applicants must hold a Bachelor´s degree – requiring at least 6 semesters of study of at least 180 ECTS – in TUM-BWL, Management, Business Administration, Economics, or an equivalent subject. Subscribe to our newsletter to keep up to date with the most important information and events concerning your studies. Der Masterstudiengang Politics and Technology bietet einen innovativen Ansatz in den Politikwissenschaften vor dem Hintergrund technologischer und ökonomischer Umwälzungen. Das Studium "Management and Technology" an der staatlichen "TUM - TU München" hat eine Regelstudienzeit von 4 Semestern und endet mit dem Abschluss "Master of Science". We are trying to fix all problems as soon as possible. Insgesamt wurde das Studium bisher 10 Mal bewertet. The Master degree program Energy and Process Technology of TUM is characterized by close links between energy and process technological contents. The specialization in Finance & Accounting is for all students interested in financial related topics such as Asset Management, Group Accounting, Management Accounting and Risk Management. Das Studium wird als Vollzeitstudium angeboten. Good to know: Most Mechanical Engineering exams take place relatively late, at the end of the examination period. Das Studium wird als Vollzeitstudium angeboten. Students can choose to do these 30 ECTS in any module offered by the TUM School of Management, and from the electives of the technical specializations, when they fulfill the requirements. Most of the courses are held in English so you can take the whole module in English if you want. Some of the most fundamental courses for the specialization in Mechanical Engineering are also among the hardest, like Technical Mechanics and Machine Elements. For th e fifth consecutive time the Elite Graduate Program “Finance & Information Management” (FIM) has maintained the top rank in the nationwide CHE Master-Ranking. The electives can be used to transfer credit points from your studies abroad. Insgesamt wurde das Studium bisher 15 Mal bewertet. Das Studium wird als Vollzeitstudium angeboten. Technische Universität München Arcisstr. Because of the huge course offer this module is for beginners in financial topics as well as advanced students already familiar with basic financial concepts. Classes are relatively small and are held in German language only! Enrich your management education with technological skills With the Master in Management & Technology, we created a program that gives you an outstanding education in management as well as profound skills in engineering or natural sciences at one of Europe’s top technical universities. Die Unterrichtssprache ist Englisch. Contact Person for Informatics Minor: Julia Berchtenbreiter. Modulkatalog TUM Master Technology & Management WiWi Gast 02.08.2020 Guten Tag zusammen, leider finde ich, auch nach ausführlicher Suche, keinen passenden Modulkatalog mit … For this Major, you should have some basic knowledge of Electrical Engineering. Contact Person for Electrical Engineering Major: Lena Klaaßen. TUM Track: Master of Science (MSc) conferred by TUM Double Degree Track: Master of Science (MSc) conferred by TUM + HEC Master in Management Grande Ecole degree conferred by HEC Paris In cooperation with HEC Paris Teaching language. Der Masterstudiengang Management and Technology bildet zukünftige Führungskräfte an der Schnittstelle von Management und Technologie aus. We are using cookies to give you the best experience on our website. I did not register this website, so my post post by the forum managers, they delete my first sentence that why. Ich komme allerdings von einer ausländischen Privatuni, bin also an kleine Kursgrößen und Kursarbeiten (mit Präsentationen) statt Klausuren gewöhnt. School of Management Master Thesis / Project study / IDP How do technology costs in the field of renewable generation develop over time? All the courses take place in Garching, but some are video recorded. This program provides a unique combination of management and technology expertise and is designed for high-potential students who aim to be the innovation managers of the future. If you did not receive this email, kindly contact our admin. Wie schwer ist es in das QTEM Programm zu kommen? MMT - Ich habe eine Frage an die Leute, die für den Master Management and Technology an der TUM zugelassen wurden. There are few courses in the offering. Program Manager, M.Sc. Please enter your code here which you received per email after registrationl. Additionally, a proof of proficiency in English is needed. The program runs six semesters and allows for a semester abroad through its mobility window. Due to the current situation, we have decided to cancel our Student Visiting Hours. Master in Management & Technology; Curriculum Analysis - Master in Management & Technology. For TUM as the entrepreneurial university, management is not only a key area in research and teaching, but also a vital interface between engineering, natural, political and social sciences. Nach dem Bachelor-Abschluss können Sie im Master-Studiengang Ihr Wissen vertiefen und sich auf ein Fachgebiet spezialisieren. Ein wirtschaftswissenschaftlicher Master speziell für Ingenieur- oder Naturwissenschaftler/innen.